21. December 2021

Vote now for your favorite Green Prod­uct Award nominee

Vot­ing for the Audi­ence Award has begun for the Green Prod­uct Award 2022 and the Green Con­cept Award 2022. From a total of 1500 sub­mis­sions from 54 coun­tries, the 100 best green prod­ucts and 100 best green con­cepts have been nom­i­nat­ed. Among the nom­i­nees are 13 sub­mis­sions from Bavaria! Vote now until Jan­u­ary 31 for your favorite nom­i­nee. The win­ners of the pub­lic vote and the jury will be announced at a cer­e­mo­ny dur­ing Munich Cre­ative Busi­ness Week (MCBW) in spring 2022.

We present the nom­i­nat­ed sub­mis­sions from Bavaria:

Meta­mor­phous: Reduce con­sump­tion and increase effi­cien­cy (Fash­ion category)
How can design influ­ence the con­sump­tion of fash­ion? The Meta­mor­phous col­lec­tion address­es this ques­tion with­out deny­ing cloth­ing as a means of com­mu­ni­cat­ing and express­ing the wearer’s per­son­al ver­sa­til­i­ty. Instead, each gar­ment becomes more effi­cient, trans­form­ing into dif­fer­ent looks and adapt­ing to the per­son in his dai­ly life. The tech­niques of trans­for­ma­tion are inspired by the process­es of meta­mor­pho­sis, which dif­fer­ent species have already per­fect­ed as the abil­i­ty to reshape their appear­ance to fit the demands of a new stage of life.
Design: Daniela van Gelder / Wasserburg
Lev­el: Student
Insti­tu­tion: Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences


Easyp­isi Pot­ty: The first pot­ty with splash guard (Kids category)
The Easyp­isi is a nov­el prod­uct for the age-old method of “hold­ing it”. It is designed for new­borns whose par­ents want a dia­per-free upbring­ing. With Easyp­isi there is a dou­ble sus­tain­able effect: par­ents use less to no dia­pers because they use the pot­ty and Easyp­isi itself is made of 100% recy­cled mate­r­i­al. What’s more, Easyp­isi has a splash guard, which pre­vents boys in par­tic­u­lar from spilling any­thing when going to the toilet.
Design: Julian Tre­sows­ki / Wolznach
Lev­el: Start-up
Insti­tu­tion: Shells & Trees GbR


The Sion: A solar-pow­ered e‑car (Mobil­i­ty category)
The Sion can gen­er­ate an aver­age of 112km/week from solar ener­gy through its more than 248 solar cells seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed into the body. Thanks to bi-direc­tion­al charg­ing, the Sion can not only absorb pow­er but also deliv­er it, serv­ing as a buffer stor­age. The fac­to­ry-inte­grat­ed shar­ing soft­ware in all Sions makes it pos­si­ble to share a ride, the Sion or stored ener­gy with oth­ers. With the Sion, Sono Motors aims to bring a dis­rup­tive yet afford­able tech­nol­o­gy to the mar­ket so that every­one can con­tribute to sustainability.
Design: Lau­rin Hahn & Jona Chris­tians / Munich
Lev­el: Established
Insti­tu­tion: Sono Motors GmbH


from the ash­es: A glass for future gen­er­a­tions (Cat­e­go­ry New Materials)
Glass is often con­sid­ered sus­tain­able because it can be recy­cled seem­ing­ly end­less­ly. But in addi­tion to an incal­cu­la­ble ener­gy con­sump­tion, it requires prob­lem­at­ic ingre­di­ents. Lime, which has a lim­it­ed sup­ply and is mined in gigan­tic mines with known prob­lems. And soda ash, whose avail­abil­i­ty is chang­ing dra­mat­i­cal­ly due to cli­mate change. from the ash­es draws on end­less resources in the form of waste: using wood ash from piz­za bak­ers and mus­sel shells from restau­rants, sand is turned into a glass that is ener­gy-sav­ing and tru­ly recyclable.
Design: Benedikt Peirotén / Munich
Lev­el: Student
Insti­tu­tion: ELISA­VA Barcelona


Ter­ra­caps: The sus­tain­able cof­fee cap­sule (Con­sumer Goods category)
Ter­ra­caps are cer­ti­fied bio-based, indus­tri­al­ly com­postable, oxy­gen-tight, CO₂-neu­tral and thus all-around sus­tain­able cof­fee cap­sules for Nespres­so machines. The veg­an, GMO- and gluten-free cap­sules are made from a spe­cial­ly devel­oped bio-plas­tic and have a par­tic­u­lar­ly high oxy­gen bar­ri­er that pro­tects the cof­fee for a long time. This com­bi­na­tion of inno­va­tion, qual­i­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty is appre­ci­at­ed by numer­ous cus­tomers worldwide.
Design: Ter­ra­caps / Pul­lach im Isartal
Lev­el: Established
Insti­tu­tion: Ter­ra­caps GmbH


CUP: Insu­lat­ed stain­less steel cof­fee-to-go cup (Kitchen category)
Can a cup of cof­fee change the world? This one does! The reusable CUP  is a min­i­mal­ist, leak-proof cof­fee mug that keeps cof­fee warm for up to 3 hours with­out leav­ing a trace of plas­tic behind. Freely accord­ing to the mot­to: Grab a cof­fee, change the world.
Design: FLSK Prod­ucts GmbH / Munich
Lev­el: Established
Insti­tu­tion: FLSK Prod­ucts GmbH


Reusable Hyaluron Pads: Effec­tive wrin­kle reduc­tion with the first appli­ca­tion (Con­sumer Goods category)
The Pads are made of 100% med­ical-grade sil­i­cone and are enriched with high-qual­i­ty hyaluron as the only active ingre­di­ent. They are self-adhe­sive and are sim­ply stuck on the dry, clean skin area. Thanks to the micro­cli­mate cre­at­ed there, the hyaluron can pen­e­trate deep into the skin, mois­tur­izes, stim­u­lates blood cir­cu­la­tion and cell renew­al. The result: clin­i­cal­ly proven wrin­kle reduc­tion. Accord­ing to the man­u­fac­tur­er, all pads can be reused up to 30 times.
Design: APRI­COT GmbH / Munich
Lev­el: Established
Insti­tu­tion: APRI­COT GmbH


Organ­ic Fer­til­iz­er Alter­na­tive: Sus­tain­able Gar­den­ing with­out Chem­i­cals (Cat­e­go­ry Con­sumer Goods)
This organ­ic fer­til­iz­er alter­na­tive is a 100% organ­ic solu­tion based on the plant growth-pro­mot­ing Bacil­lus sub­tilis. Hand in hand with nature, Bio­tau­rus makes plants grow and flour­ish bet­ter. All prod­ucts are cer­ti­fied organ­ic, veg­an, ani­mal-free, non-GMO, and 100% bee-friendly.
Design: Rapid Peaks / Großhelfendorf
Lev­el: Start-up
Insti­tu­tion: Bio­tau­rus GmbH


turn: Dos­ing device for sol­id show­er soap (Cat­e­go­ry Con­sumer Goods)
The turn is an inno­v­a­tive dos­er for sol­id show­er balls, the show­er drops. When the turn is turned, a drop is obtained, which is com­plete­ly used up dur­ing show­er­ing. The drops dis­solve quick­ly, care for the skin with pure­ly nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents and spread a fresh scent. No dry­ing process, no soap residues, no plas­tic waste and that with an almost play­ful appli­ca­tion. Not only show­er drops, also sham­poos, hand soaps and much more are possible.
Design: Katha­ri­na Geißel / Overseas
Lev­el: Start-up
Insti­tu­tion: turn of beau­ty GmbH


MYLK Oat Drink Machine: Low-emis­sion oat drink for super­mar­kets (Con­sumer Goods category)
To make a car­ton of milk sus­tain­able, the con­tents need to be changed. Oat drinks are a good alter­na­tive, but the trans­port weight of the water in the filled Tetra Paks caus­es high trans­port emis­sions and pack­ag­ing emis­sions could be sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced. The MYLK  vend­ing machine enables the first fresh oat drink prepa­ra­tion in the super­mar­ket. The oat mix­ture is mixed with water in the super­mar­ket and thus reduces trans­port emis­sions com­pared to pack­aged oat drinks. Pack­ag­ing emis­sions are elim­i­nat­ed as super­mar­ket cus­tomers fill up their own bottles.
Design: Anas­ta­sia Eger­essy / Neuried
Lev­el: Student
Insti­tu­tion: Munich Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences


BOL­ST’air: The inflat­able train­ing cush­ion (Cat­e­go­ry Sports)
BOL­ST’air is an inflat­able bol­ster cush­ion with patent­ed pump tech­nol­o­gy. The inno­v­a­tive mul­ti­func­tion­al cush­ion can accom­pa­ny fit­ness, yoga and Pilates work­outs, as well as trav­el and many oth­er occa­sions. With­out bulky pump unit or inflat­ing by mouth, the BOL­ST’air can be adjust­ed to indi­vid­ual needs and desired inter­nal pres­sure by means of inte­grat­ed hand-pump move­ment. It is sewn by the Car­i­tas Wen­del­stein Werk­stät­ten in Rosen­heim using recy­cled and biodegrad­able materials.
Design: Tobias Deck­ert / Siegsdorf
Lev­el: Start-up
Insti­tu­tion: Shre­dRack GmbH


PLA­N­ET­ICS: Online mar­ket­place for sus­tain­able sport­ing goods (Cat­e­go­ry Sports)
PLA­N­ET­ICS is the first online mar­ket­place for sus­tain­able and fair sport­ing goods (appar­el, equip­ment and nutri­tion). Thanks to the large selec­tion and strict pre-selec­tion, PLA­N­ET­ICS makes it eas­i­er than ever for cus­tomers to find and buy tru­ly sus­tain­able sport­ing goods. In addi­tion, Pla­n­et­ics is work­ing with var­i­ous uni­ver­si­ties to make the envi­ron­men­tal and social impact of each prod­uct even more mea­sur­able and comparable.
Design: Raphael Bre­it­ner / Munich
Lev­el: Start-up
Insti­tu­tion: PLA­N­ET­ICS GmbH


Organ­ic Oat Drink: plant-based bev­er­age (Con­sumer Goods category)
Greenforce’s veg­an Easy Mix prod­ucts become veg­an meats like burg­ers, veg­an drinks like organ­ic oat drink or veg­an eggs by sim­ply adding water. Since the prod­ucts do not require a cold chain, have a long shelf life and can there­fore be pro­duced in stock, they are even more sus­tain­able than oth­er plant-based prod­ucts. In addi­tion, the prod­ucts are high in pro­tein, made in Ger­many and climate-neutral.
Design: Thomas Iser­mann / Munich
Lev­el: Start-up
Insti­tu­tion: GREEN­FORCE Future Meat & Fish GmbH
Vote until Jan­u­ary 31 

These and all oth­er nom­i­nat­ed prod­ucts and projects are now wait­ing for sup­port­ing votes. Vot­ing is pos­si­ble until Jan­u­ary 31. Awards will be pre­sent­ed in 12 cat­e­gories: Architecture/Tiny Hous­es, Work­ing World, Fash­ion, Build­ing Com­po­nents, Interior/Lifestyle, Chil­dren, Con­sumer Goods/Personal Care, Kitchen, Mobil­i­ty, New Mate­ri­als and Sports. The win­ners of the pub­lic vote and the jury will be announced at a cer­e­mo­ny dur­ing Munich Cre­ative Busi­ness Week (MCBW) in spring 2022.

Since 2013, the inter­na­tion­al Green Prod­uct Award has hon­ored prod­ucts and ser­vices that stand out for their design, inno­va­tion and sus­tain­abil­i­ty. The Green Con­cept Award in coop­er­a­tion with the IKEA Foun­da­tion eval­u­ates con­cepts by young design­ers and sup­ports their fur­ther development.