Pro­mo­tion of design

We are here to help

Pro­mot­ing design com­pe­tence is part of the Bavar­i­an design ini­tia­tive. Bavaria-based part­ners can apply to get fund­ing for activ­i­ties that enhance design com­pe­tence in the state. bay­ern design is the point of con­tact for con­sult­ing ser­vices regard­ing the state’s design fund­ing. All appli­ca­tions are eval­u­at­ed by experts and then for­ward­ed to the Bavar­i­an Min­istry of the Econ­o­my for fur­ther processing.


All activ­i­ties sub­mit­ted for design fund­ing must be aimed at enhanc­ing the design com­pe­tence of com­pa­nies and thus increas­ing their com­pet­i­tive edge. These activ­i­ties must not be imple­mentable with­out the request­ed fund­ing. In addi­tion, the mea­sure or mea­sures may not com­mence until fund­ing has been approved. In urgent cas­es, ear­ly com­mence­ment may be approved.


Appli­ca­tions for a lump sum of €2’000 can be sub­mit­ted for busi­ness-ori­ent­ed events in the form of design talks (with a dura­tion of between two and four hours) or for a lump sum of €5’000 for events in the form of entre­pre­neurs’ forums (with a dura­tion of a min­i­mum of four hours).

In addi­tion, bay­ern design spon­sors pub­lic rela­tions and busi­ness-ori­ent­ed projects in the form of stud­ies, con­fer­ences, work­shops, trade fair par­tic­i­pa­tion or exhi­bi­tions, with fixed amounts of up to 50 per­cent of the cost eli­gi­ble for funding.

Please con­tact us before sub­mit­ting your appli­ca­tion. Your con­tact per­son is Marek Gornow­icz. You can reach us by e‑mail or by reg­u­lar mail at bay­ern design GmbH, Luit­pold­str. 3, 90402 Nurem­berg, Germany.

We will be hap­py to advise you regard­ing your con­cep­tu­al design, to eval­u­ate your doc­u­ments, and to for­ward your appli­ca­tion to the Bavar­i­an Min­istry of the Econ­o­my for approval.

Please click here to down­load the project fund­ing appli­ca­tion forms (in German).

Inno­va­tion vouchers

Do you run a small com­pa­ny or busi­ness in the crafts sec­tor and are you look­ing for design­ers or cre­ative agen­cies to par­tic­i­pate in an inno­v­a­tive project? Sub­ject to eli­gi­bil­i­ty, you can apply for funds for your project from the project man­age­ment agency Bavaria Inno­v­a­tiv under the Inno­va­tion Vouch­ers Pro­gram.