28. April 2021

Time to rethink

Design Edi­tion BrauBe­viale 2020

At the BrauBe­viale 2020 trade fair, bay­ern design will host a spe­cial, entire­ly dig­i­tal show titled time to rethink – Design Edi­tion. Small-batch series will be the theme of the show­case and of the videos of inter­views with select­ed design­ers and experts. This man­u­fac­tur­ing method can play an impor­tant role in unlock­ing new busi­ness opportunities.

In addi­tion, the prod­ucts and inter­views will demon­strate that whether change is rad­i­cal or mod­er­ate, every end-to-end design process con­tributes to strength­en­ing the company’s prod­ucts, employ­ees, and image. Small-batch series can help test and assess a product’s suc­cess and acceptance.

To com­ple­ment the exhibits and mod­els on dis­play, bay­ern design and Nürn­bergMesse will present videoed inter­views to intro­duce the pro­duc­ers and their perspectives.

The design­ers, entre­pre­neurs, and experts in the fields of dig­i­ti­za­tion, mar­ket­ing, prod­uct devel­op­ment, and sus­tain­abil­i­ty who were inter­viewed will high­light and dis­cuss one exhib­it each and will explain the moti­va­tion and share back­ground details. The aim is to illus­trate the new paths that small-batch series and the devel­op­ment of new prod­ucts and com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels have allowed them to take in large, medi­um-sized, and small com­pa­nies. The exhibits will be pre­sent­ed in three themed cat­e­gories: Dig­i­ti­za­tion, Sto­ry­telling, and Innovation.

bay­ern design’s series of lec­tures for the BrauBe­viale Cen­ter Stage will round out the dig­i­tal time to rethink – Design Edi­tion exhi­bi­tion with dis­cus­sions about new fields of action con­cern­ing the dis­ci­plines of life-cen­tered design, brand design, and mate­ri­als inno­va­tions. Lena Jüngst of air up, Lukas Dudek of taste!, and Aart van Bezooi­jen of Mate­r­i­al Sto­ries will share their exper­tise and offer insights into their work on design-ori­ent­ed innovation.


Dig­i­ti­za­tion trans­forms com­mu­ni­ca­tion and cre­ates new social phe­nom­e­na. Design­ers use it to tap into new ways to devise prod­ucts and devel­op brands. Dig­i­ti­za­tion expands phys­i­cal­i­ty by includ­ing a new dimen­sion – inter­ac­tion. The fol­low­ing exhibits are exam­ples of the diverse paths taken.

Kil­choman Machir Bay and Sanaig NFC / QR Code Enabled Labels


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From a tech­no­log­i­cal per­spec­tive, trans­fer­ring data from a bot­tle label to a smart­phone is emi­nent­ly fea­si­ble, as can be seen in a num­ber of the spe­cial show’s exhibits. Peter Wills of whiskey dis­tillery Kil­choman Scot­land relies on Near Field Com­mu­ni­ca­tion (NFC) to pro­vide whiskey afi­ciona­dos with com­ple­men­tary infor­ma­tion and offer­ings regard­ing the company’s spir­its and the brand.

La Pet­te­go­la Lim­it­ed Edition


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Solu­tions cre­at­ed with aug­ment­ed real­i­ty are even more spec­tac­u­lar: They bring bot­tle labels to life in a play­ful man­ner and estab­lish a new lev­el of com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the brand and its cus­tomers. Nico­la Pavesi and his team at Pub­li­farmtrans­lat­ed their expe­ri­ences in oth­er areas to their col­lab­o­ra­tion with the La Pet­te­go­la wine label.

Wien Gin


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With the aug­ment­ed real­i­ty app they cre­at­ed for their Wien Gin in hon­or of their home­town, Kessel­brüder of Vien­na, Aus­tria, have let the genie out of the Art Nou­veau-designed bot­tle. Devel­oped by Flo­ri­an Koller in coop­er­a­tion with design stu­dents, the app allows users to play a game in which they can pre­pare drinks fea­tur­ing Wien Gin.

The Kilchoman whiskey distillery relies on NFC. (Copyrights: Kilchoman)
The Kilchoman whiskey distillery relies on NFC. (Copyrights: Kilchoman)
Kilchoman whiskey distillery uses Near Field Communication (NFC) to interact with customers. (Copyright: Kilchoman) (NFC) (Rechte: Kilchoman)
Kilchoman whiskey distillery uses Near Field Communication (NFC) to interact with customers. (Copyright: Kilchoman) (NFC) (Rechte: Kilchoman)
Publifarm playfully brings the bottle label with Augmented Reality to life. (Copyright: Publifarm)
Publifarm playfully brings the bottle label with Augmented Reality to life. (Copyright: Publifarm)
Publifarm brings with augmented reality the label to life. (Copyright: Publifarm)
Publifarm brings with augmented reality the label to life. (Copyright: Publifarm)


Many design­ers and com­pa­nies are look­ing for new, sus­tain­able mate­ri­als to cre­ate prod­ucts and brands focus­ing on use and the envi­ron­ment. Small-batch series can be test­ing grounds or prepa­ra­tion for expan­sion into ser­i­al pro­duc­tion. The prod­ucts por­trayed below are exem­plary of the great poten­tial of small-batch series.



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The vod­ka bot­tle Mark Braun cre­at­ed for Bénazet of Baden-Baden shows that an indi­vid­u­al­ized bot­tle can be a brand’s icon­ic USP. The bottle’s form lan­guage ele­gant­ly reflects the pro­duc­tion process of the vod­ka and offers details of local architecture.

Bozal Mez­cal


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Kevin Rober­son and his team at Swig Stu­dio of Cal­i­for­nia not only ven­tured into design­ing a new bot­tle, they com­plete­ly recre­at­ed the brand’s pres­ence and intro­duced a new mate­r­i­al: Bozal Mez­cal’s notable ceram­ic bot­tle is a rein­ter­pre­ta­tion of tra­di­tion­al ves­sels and pro­duc­tion methods.



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Inspired by the reduced form lan­guage of the Ulmer Hock­er stool, Christoph Böninger of Auer­berg devel­oped and cre­at­ed the ver­sa­tile BOT­TLE BOX from the pre­mi­um-qual­i­ty wood of oak and spruce trees. The BOT­TLE BOX has been incor­po­rat­ed into the col­lec­tion of Die Neue Samm­lung – The Design Muse­um in Munich.



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Light is the new dark. Mar­co Grae­ber of the Berlin-based start-up INU­RU presents new appli­ca­tions for OLED tech­nol­o­gy and prints light ele­ments onto labels. His pack­ag­ing and labels can be acti­vat­ed in a vari­ety of ways. The entire tech­nol­o­gy is housed in the slim label.



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With his cut­ting-edge drink­ing bot­tle which self-cleans using UV rays, Justin Wang of LARQ of Cal­i­for­nia intro­duces new appli­ca­tions for tech­nol­o­gy for a healthy, sus­tain­able lifestyle.

Let­ter­box Wine


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As inven­tors of Let­ter­box Wine, San­ti­a­go Navar­ro and his team at Garçon Wines see them­selves as rad­i­cal dis­rup­tors of the wine mar­ket. Made of recy­cled PET, from the front the new bot­tle looks like any oth­er bot­tle but viewed from the side it is obvi­ous the bot­tle is flat. This allows it to fit through an aver­age British let­ter­box for more con­ve­nient dis­tri­b­u­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly for online suppliers.

up2u / MuC – My use­ful Cup


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With his team at up2u in Nurem­berg, Mar­tin Gru­ber devel­oped a whole set of to-go prod­ucts includ­ing MuC – my use­ful cup, which can be flat­tened for enhanced con­ve­nience and to take up less space.

Udo Duo


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Prod­uct design­er Cari­na Frings of Udo Duo in Cologne elim­i­nat­ed pro­duc­tion of a cup entire­ly: Her flex­i­ble reusable lid can be affixed to a vari­ety of cups and turns them into to-go containers.

E6PR Biodegrad­able Can Carriers


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Jorge Reynoso of E6PR of Mex­i­co City has tak­en design a step fur­ther: His six­pack can-hold­er is made of biodegrad­able and edi­ble mate­r­i­al and thus con­tributes to a clean environment.

The vodka bottle designed by Mark Braun for Bénazet elegantly reflects the beverage's production process and local architectural features. (Copyright: Mark Braun / Bénazet)
The vodka bottle designed by Mark Braun for Bénazet elegantly reflects the beverage's production process and local architectural features. (Copyright: Mark Braun / Bénazet)
The vodka bottle designed by Mark Braun for Bénazet elegantly reflects the beverage's production process and local architectural features. (Copyright: Mark Braun / Bénazet)
The vodka bottle designed by Mark Braun for Bénazet elegantly reflects the beverage's production process and local architectural features. (Copyright: Mark Braun / Bénazet)
For Bozal Mezcal, Swig Studio have dared to reinterpret the traditional vessels and production methods. (Copyright: Swig Studio / Bozal Mezcal)
For Bozal Mezcal, Swig Studio have dared to reinterpret the traditional vessels and production methods. (Copyright: Swig Studio / Bozal Mezcal)
For Bozal Mezcal, Swig Studio have dared to reinterpret the traditional vessels and production methods. (Copyright: Swig Studio / Bozal Mezcal)
For Bozal Mezcal, Swig Studio have dared to reinterpret the traditional vessels and production methods. (Copyright: Swig Studio / Bozal Mezcal)
The BOTTLE BOX by Christoph Böninger von Auerberg, a beverage crate that can be used in many ways, has been included in Die Neue Sammlung. (Copyright: Christoph Böninger/Auerberg)
The BOTTLE BOX by Christoph Böninger von Auerberg, a beverage crate that can be used in many ways, has been included in Die Neue Sammlung. (Copyright: Christoph Böninger/Auerberg)
The start-up INURU from Berlin presents new applications for OLED technology and prints light elements on labels. (Copyright: Inuru)
The start-up INURU from Berlin presents new applications for OLED technology and prints light elements on labels. (Copyright: Inuru)
Justin Wang from LARQ uses UV rays for a self-cleaning drinking bottle. (Copyright: LARQ)
Justin Wang from LARQ uses UV rays for a self-cleaning drinking bottle. (Copyright: LARQ)
For Garçon Wines, Santiago Navarro has created "Letterbox Wine", a wine bottle made of recycled PET that fits through letterbox slots without any problems. (Copyright: Santiago Navarro / Garçon Wines)
For Garçon Wines, Santiago Navarro has created "Letterbox Wine", a wine bottle made of recycled PET that fits through letterbox slots without any problems. (Copyright: Santiago Navarro / Garçon Wines)
For Garçon Wines, Santiago Navarro has created "Letterbox Wine", a wine bottle made of recycled PET that fits through letterbox slots without any problems. (Copyright: Santiago Navarro / Garçon Wines)
For Garçon Wines, Santiago Navarro has created "Letterbox Wine", a wine bottle made of recycled PET that fits through letterbox slots without any problems. (Copyright: Santiago Navarro / Garçon Wines)
With "MuC - my useful cup" Martin Gruber from up2u in Nuremberg has developed a flexible, space-saving to-go cup. (Copyright: up2u)
With "MuC - my useful cup" Martin Gruber from up2u in Nuremberg has developed a flexible, space-saving to-go cup. (Copyright: up2u)
With the reusable and flexible coffee-to-go lid from Carina Frings by Udo Duo from Cologne, almost any cup can be turned into a reusable cup. (Copyright: Carina Frings / UdoDuo)
With the reusable and flexible coffee-to-go lid from Carina Frings by Udo Duo from Cologne, almost any cup can be turned into a reusable cup. (Copyright: Carina Frings / UdoDuo)
With the reusable and flexible coffee-to-go lid from Carina Frings by Udo Duo from Cologne, almost any cup can be turned into a reusable cup. (Copyrights: Carina Frings / UdoDuo)
With the reusable and flexible coffee-to-go lid from Carina Frings by Udo Duo from Cologne, almost any cup can be turned into a reusable cup. (Copyrights: Carina Frings / UdoDuo)


Strate­gic design lever­ages var­i­ous nar­ra­tives and inte­grates design ele­ments into clear cor­po­rate iden­ti­ties. Small-batch series make it pos­si­ble to go a step fur­ther. The fol­low­ing exam­ples show that bold and excep­tion­al sto­ry­telling helps large and small com­pa­nies stand out.



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Julie Rutigliano and Fer­nan­do Pas­sos of the New York-based agency Jones Knowles Ritchie showed flaw­less sen­si­tiv­i­ty to social phe­nom­e­na: For their #self­iebud cam­paign they sim­ply mir­rored Bud­weis­er bot­tle labels to enhance their read­abil­i­ty on smart­phone self­ies post­ed on social media. The cam­paign for this ana­log yet inge­nious inter­ven­tion went viral and result­ed in a D&AD Wood Pen­cil for the team, one of the adver­tis­ing industry’s most pres­ti­gious awards.

Cán­tir 2020


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Càn­tir 2020 is Span­ish indus­tri­al design­er André Ricard’s edi­tion for the Museu del càn­tir in Argen­tona this year. Ricard demon­strates an impres­sive way to redesign a cen­tu­ry-old object for every­day use. Made of envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly and sus­tain­able mate­ri­als includ­ing red clay and green glaz­ing, the 2.5‑liter pitch­er can be used for drink­ing or for serv­ing bev­er­ages at home. Nat­ur­al tran­spi­ra­tion helps cool the content.

Twen­ty Stories


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The out­stand­ing­ly illus­tra­tive 20 Sto­ries cam­paign by Caparo Stu­dio of Greece hon­ors the 20th anniver­sary of Lidl Hel­las by telling 20 dif­fer­ent sto­ries on wine bot­tle labels. The project was award­ed the D&AD Wood Pen­cil 2020, one of the adver­tis­ing industry’s most pres­ti­gious awards.



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Lisa Reimann of LESS Stu­dio, Silke Philipps-Deters of Design­fo­rum Rhein­land-Pfalz, and 13 oth­er women demon­strat­ed social respon­si­bil­i­ty by using a delib­er­ate­ly sur­pris­ing approach to launch a white-wine cuvée orig­i­nat­ing in Germany’s Rhineland region. The pro­ceeds from the sale of Trinkt mehr M!LCH are donat­ed to the dis­cov­er­ing hands asso­ci­a­tionwhich edu­cates visu­al­ly chal­lenged women so they can become tac­tile med­ical exam­in­ers for breast cancer.



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Mod­ern society’s con­sumer goods also are the focus of the work of Swiss prod­uct design­er Dim­itri Bäh­ler. For Tunisia’s Marlo&Isaure design label Bäh­ler hand­made a series of pitch­ers and stack­able drink­ing ves­sels from recy­cled glass. Unlike the pro­duc­tion process, the collection’s design is inspired by arche­typ­i­cal mass-pro­duced glass­es and bottles.



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Based on her diplo­ma the­sis, Lau­ra Jung­mann and glass blow­er Cor­nelius Réer joint­ly devel­oped the Same­Same prod­uct line which is pro­duced at Réer’s glass work­shop from ordi­nary glass bot­tles. Stan­dard­ized mass prod­ucts are trans­formed both aes­thet­i­cal­ly and func­tion­al­ly into high-qual­i­ty, cus­tomized pieces while their ini­tial shapes remain intact.

the bot­tled bar


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Eva Wün­sch takes an illus­tra­tive approach with her col­lage style: For the bot­tled bar she uses her gen­tle and atten­tive eye to trans­form tra­di­tion­al mate­ri­als for a diverse and diver­si­fied society.


bay­ern design’s series of lec­tures for the BrauBe­viale Cen­ter Stage will round out the dig­i­tal time to rethink – Design Edi­tion exhi­bi­tion with dis­cus­sions about new fields of action con­cern­ing the dis­ci­plines of life-cen­tered design, brand design, and mate­ri­als inno­va­tions. Lena Jüngst of air up, Lukas Dudek of taste!, and Aart van Bezooi­jen of Mate­r­i­al Sto­ries will share their exper­tise and offer insights into their work on design-ori­ent­ed innovation.

Lukas Dudek from taste!: “60 years of Alm­dudler: “A design relaunch as a growth opportunity”

To remain true to one­self does not nec­es­sar­i­ly mean to be back­ward. Just in time for the 60th birth­day of the Aus­tri­an brand Alm­dudler, the lemon­ade was to under­go a makeover. But instead of sim­ply refresh­ing the design, it was con­cep­tu­al­ly devel­oped fur­ther. With the help of an intel­li­gent design relaunch, the Aus­tri­an brand was thus not only mod­ern­ized in time for its 60th anniver­sary, but strate­gi­cal­ly opened up to new mar­ket seg­ments. Lukas Dudek, man­ag­ing direc­tor of the accom­pa­ny­ing agency taste! food & bev­er­age com­mu­ni­ca­tion, reports in his lec­ture, which aspects were lead­ing, in order to open by the mark Relaunch at the same time a growth chance for the mark.

Lena Jüngst of air up: “Why life-cen­tered Design is the future”

Lena Jüngst is co-founder of air up, a world­wide unique drink­ing sys­tem that gives taste to water only by scent. air up is the first bev­er­age alter­na­tive that offers taste com­plete­ly with­out sug­ar, aro­mas or oth­er addi­tives in the water. In addi­tion, air up uses 50 times less plas­tic and 1000 times less CO2 in trans­port com­pared to sim­i­lar bot­tled bev­er­ages. The new air up tech­nol­o­gy thus solves two of today’s prob­lems and is aimed at health-con­scious con­sumers who val­ue sus­tain­abil­i­ty. In her pre­sen­ta­tion, Lena Jüngst reveals how her start-up used life-cen­tered design to invent a real inno­va­tion for a demand­ing tar­get group and suc­cess­ful­ly estab­lish it in the market.

Prof. Aart van Bezooi­jlen from Mate­r­i­al Sto­ries: “Sus­tain­able mate­ri­als for future-proof pack­ag­ing design”

Pack­ag­ing can be a great help to pro­tect prod­ucts dur­ing trans­port, it can serve as an infor­ma­tion car­ri­er and present their con­tents. On the oth­er hand, due to their short life span, they are a grow­ing prob­lem as they con­sume resources and gen­er­ate waste that is often dif­fi­cult to dis­pose of or recy­cle. In his lec­ture, Aart van Bezooi­jlen explores the ques­tion of how to deal with this. The mate­ri­als expert is founder of Mate­r­i­al Sto­ries, an agency that offers mate­ri­als con­sult­ing, mate­ri­als research, inno­va­tion work­shops, lec­tures and trend reports. In addi­tion, Van Bezooi­jen teach­es as pro­fes­sor for mate­r­i­al and tech­nol­o­gy trans­fer at the Burg Giebichen­stein Art Acad­e­my in Halle.


All lec­tures were streamed live via the BrauBe­viale dig­i­tal trade fair plat­form on 10 Novem­ber 2020 at 3 p.m. and will be mod­er­at­ed by Sebas­t­ian Schnell­bögl, project man­age­ment at bay­ern design GmbH. They are avail­able online at the BrauBe­viale fair’s webiste (reg­is­tra­tion necessary).