18. March 2019

MCBW 2019 — Design Connects

A suc­cess­ful Munich Cre­ative Busi­ness Week 2019 has come to an end. This year’s edi­tion, held from March 9 to 17, includ­ed sev­er­al excit­ing new loca­tions and pro­grams. The design hub MCBW FORUM was host­ed at Hochschule für Fernse­hen und Film (HFF) for the first time. Dur­ing the largest design event in Ger­many, the cin­e­mas at HFF became hotspots for cineast­es and design afi­ciona­dos. DESIGNK­I­NO fea­tured design-relat­ed doc­u­men­taries and motion pic­tures free of charge.

MCBW 2019 also saw the birth of the resource plat­form iumee – unit­ed resources, a free net­work for cre­ative minds und prac­ti­tion­ers. At Start­up Moon­shot Pitch, more than 100 experts trans­formed the start-up project for the plat­form into a com­pa­ny in only 72 hours. iumee pro­vides access to in-depth glob­al know-how and con­nects smarts ideas and moti­vat­ed doers and experts. The aim of the alliance is to dri­ve projects with­in one large net­work of resources to pro­vide solu­tions that meet tech­ni­cal, social, eco­log­ic and eco­nom­ic needs, from small to large, from local to global.

With its com­pre­hen­sive part­ner net­work for the start-up scene, MCBW again includ­ed diverse work­shops from basic financ­ing to the cre­ative imple­men­ta­tion of ideas. With its pop-up inno­va­tion hub, Mies­bach Dis­trict, this year’s region­al part­ner of MCBW, high­light­ed the focus on design top­ics beyond the Bavar­i­an capital.

Inter­na­tion­al design stars such as Hart­mut Esslinger, Patri­cia Urquio­la and Mar­cel Wan­ders also attend­ed MCBW.

At the Inter­na­tion­al Crafts Fair, bay­ern design and GHM pre­sent­ed the spe­cial show titled Liv­ing Envi­ron­ments of the Future. Start-ups, com­pa­nies and insti­tu­tions pro­vid­ed vis­i­tors with infor­ma­tion on their visions and illus­trat­ed ways to a more sus­tain­able lifestyle.

More than 215 events in only nine days – bay­ern design is proud of yet anoth­er out­stand­ing edi­tion of MCBW and would like to thank BMW Group, Steel­case, Ströer and all oth­er part­ners and sponsors.