The year 2020 made everyone suddenly aware of what disruptiveness means. Old ways of thinking, working and business models lost their justification from one day to the next or had to be radically adapted to the new circumstances. In the search for a new confidence for companies and organizations, for the individual as well as for society as a whole, images of the future are needed — attractive on the one hand, credibly feasible on the other. Not just visions and utopias. It is about something that designers are particularly good at: Anticipating the future and making it tangible!
Good design drives sustainability. Interactive with many other disciplines, with research and science, design develops perspectives worth living. How will we live, learn, communicate and work tomorrow? It’s all a question of design!
That is why the MUNICH CREATIVE BUSINESS WEEK (MCBW) 2021, in the tenth year of its existence, is explicitly concerned with images of the future: “Shaping futures by Design”. In six central MCBW thematic areas (the future of cities, education, security, work, health and communication), the MCBW will present what designers and companies are already doing and will continue to do.