16. December 2020

MCBW’s pro­gram 2021 is online

In any case, MCBW 2021 will take place in the planned peri­od from March 6 to 14, 2021, albeit pos­si­bly entire­ly or par­tial­ly dig­i­tal­ly. First pro­gram items of the design show under the mot­to “Shap­ing Futures by Design” are now online, includ­ing high­lights such as the TOCA ME design con­fer­ence, the FOR­WARD FES­TI­VAL or the DESIGN­BUS by Oliv­er Herwig.

The numer­ous part­ner events clear­ly show what cre­ativ­i­ty and curios­i­ty can make pos­si­ble even under dif­fi­cult con­di­tions. Many of the bay­ern design events, such as the DESIGNK­I­NO or the annu­al START UP exhi­bi­tion, are com­plete­ly shift­ed into the dig­i­tal space. And with the new curat­ed city walk DESIGN­WALK and the video instal­la­tion DIS CON­NECT­ED, which will be on dis­play on the façade of the MCBW FORUM, there are two out­door offer­ings that can be vis­it­ed indi­vid­u­al­ly and flex­i­bly. Oth­er events such as the MCBW Recep­tion, the START UP Sym­po­sium and MCBW TAL­ENTS are cur­rent­ly planned as hybrid for­mats. They can also be held pure­ly vir­tu­al­ly if required.

The MCBW pro­gram with the events of bay­ern design and the many part­ner events is con­stant­ly updat­ed and sup­ple­ment­ed. So it’s worth keep­ing an eye out for new events. Due to the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, the reg­is­tra­tion dead­lines for part­ners have also been extend­ed. Reg­is­tra­tions for addi­tion­al events with­in the frame­work of MCBW 2021 are still possible.