10. September 2021

X‑D-E-P-O‑T: A new room for Die Neue Sammlung

With the X‑D-E-P-O‑T, the Neue Samm­lung, the design muse­um in the Pinakothek der Mod­erne, is open­ing a new room that can be used in a vari­ety of ways and in which it will show a total of around 30 design themes with around 600 objects. Many of the objects and con­tents pre­sent­ed in the X‑D-E-P-O‑T have not been pre­sent­ed before. These include objects from the col­lec­tion areas of tools, pack­ag­ing, gam­ing or sec­ondary archi­tec­ture, mate­r­i­al stud­ies on car­bon, wick­er­work, met­al or indus­tri­al ceram­ics, object exam­ples on the col­ors red and green, cur­rent top­ics such as med­ical design, sus­tain­abil­i­ty or pro­tec­tion. Among the exhib­it­ed design­ers are numer­ous mem­bers of bay­ern design, includ­ing Des­ig­naf­fairs, Flu­id Design, Hyve, Moor­mann, Rosen­thal, Siemens, Steel­cace (Coa­lesse).

The X‑D-E-P-O‑T, which is open to the pub­lic, offers many new pos­si­bil­i­ties. The Neue Samm­lung shows its col­lec­tion on a larg­er scale and thus presents it even more com­pre­hen­sive­ly — and in a very spe­cif­ic and orig­i­nal way. Like pic­ture sequences, objects are brought into con­stel­la­tions that visu­al­ize var­i­ous themes. These include mate­r­i­al, form, and col­or con­texts as well as design cat­e­gories, con­tem­po­rary styles, and cur­rent dis­cours­es. Vis­i­tors gain insights into the his­to­ry of the col­lec­tion of the old­est design muse­um in the world as well as into the the­mat­ic issues of mod­ern and con­tem­po­rary design.

With the X‑D-E-P-O‑T, the Neue Samm­lung also enters into the cur­rent debates about the shape of (design) muse­ums. For muse­ums, and design muse­ums in par­tic­u­lar, are no longer under­stood as insti­tu­tions that mere­ly sta­t­i­cal­ly present their hold­ings as a final result. Rather, what is cur­rent­ly at stake is the cre­ation of archi­tec­tures that allow for dif­fer­ent seman­tics in terms of space, time, and nar­ra­tion. In the X‑D-E-P-O‑T, the things exhib­it­ed and pre­sent­ed tell a dif­fer­ent sto­ry, of their diver­si­ty, of the simul­tane­ity of the non-simul­ta­ne­ous, of the process of an idea and its realization.

Since Sep­tem­ber 10, the X‑D-E-P-O‑T can also be expe­ri­enced dig­i­tal­ly with an app that includes all exhib­it­ed objects, a 360° video, short films by the cura­tors, an inter­view with archi­tect Wil­fried Kuehn, online tours, an Insta­gram fil­ter, and a dig­i­tal sound­board. Thus, the X‑D-E-P-O‑T can also be expe­ri­enced inde­pen­dent of time and place.

Archi­tects: Kuehn Malvezzi
Idea and con­cept: Ange­li­ka Nollert, Josef Straßer
Cura­tors: Car­o­line Fuchs, Petra Hölsch­er, Ange­li­ka Nollert, Rosa Car­ole Rodeck, Josef Straßer


Rights: Die Neue Samm­lung, room view X‑D-E-P-O‑T Pho­to Ger­hardt Kellermann