11. July 2019

Well Con­nect­ed — exhibition

Prepar­ing pump­kin risot­to, solv­ing math prob­lems, and obtain­ing a med­ical diag­no­sis – what do these activ­i­ties have in com­mon? Vir­tu­al assis­tants lend a hand, record and ana­lyze data, and help us in our every­day lives. The dig­i­tal and the ana­log world in this seg­ment are com­ing clos­er and clos­er togeth­er. From July 11 to Sep­tem­ber 11, the Well Con­nect­ed exhi­bi­tion orga­nized by bay­ern design illus­trates how these smart objects can enrich our lives over the long term. Many sec­tors of our lives and our work are becom­ing increas­ing­ly dig­i­tized and design plays a cru­cial role in this devel­op­ment because good design deter­mines how we can han­dle objects.

Joint­ly with Munich Air­port, bay­ern design is pre­sent­ing nine for­ward-look­ing projects in the cat­e­gories home, health, architecture/urban plan­ning, knowl­edge trans­fer, and services/security. All of these projects have been cre­at­ed in coop­er­a­tion with com­pa­nies or design­ers in Bavaria. In an endeav­or to strength­en this poten­tial, Munich Air­port has devel­oped Lab­Cam­pus, a smart city and cen­ter of inno­va­tion, on its grounds. Here com­pa­nies, research insti­tu­tions, start-ups, and cre­ative peo­ple are encour­aged to devel­op, test, and show­case new products.

The exhi­bi­tion is locat­ed in Ter­mi­nal 2, Lev­el 04, Check-In Area South.

Smart homes
Smart kitchens are equipped with appli­ances that make work eas­i­er and more secure. For exam­ple, the intel­li­gent refrig­er­a­tor devel­oped by Bosch fea­tures a Home Con­nect func­tion which allows users to con­trol and acti­vate the appli­ance via a smart­phone app. This refrig­er­a­tor takes pho­tos of its own inte­ri­or enabling the user to shop for gro­ceries in a tar­get­ed man­ner. Also, the app ana­lyzes the pho­tos and sug­gests dish­es by fil­ter­ing the required ingre­di­ents. Guid­ed Cook­ing with Aug­ment­ed Real­i­ty by Vivien Bar­dosi  makes cook­books and video tuto­ri­als on smart­phones obso­lete: The aug­ment­ed real­i­ty lens­es merge recipes and real­i­ty. The cook’s actions are guid­ed step-by–step by the intel­li­gent instruc­tions. Fol­low­ing these instruc­tions, the user receives use­ful tips and infor­ma­tion via pic­ture-in-pic­ture trans­mis­sion – all while the user is cooking.

Health on demand
Two inno­v­a­tive health-relat­ed exhibits also are pre­sent­ed at Well Con­nect­ed: As part of the docdi­rekt project devel­oped by fac­tor prod­uct (Munich) in coop­er­a­tion with Baden-Würt­tem­ber­gis­che Kassen­vere­ini­gung, when their pri­ma­ry physi­cians are not avail­able, peo­ple with statu­to­ry health insur­ance are offered free med­ical assis­tance by tele­phone, through an app, or online. The patients’ symp­toms and the lev­el of urgency are deter­mined and con­trolled. A physi­cian then makes a diag­no­sis and gives instruc­tions for treat­ment online. Osram has designed a lens capa­ble of stim­u­lat­ing the brain using tar­get­ed light impuls­es. The company’s CHRON­O­GY sun­glass­es sim­u­late day­light based on the Human Cen­tric Light­ing (HCL) prin­ci­ple and thus can fos­ter relax­ation, boost ener­gy, and/or help over­come jetlag.

Sus­tain­able archi­tec­ture and smart urban planning
Inno­v­a­tive solu­tions are in great demand in the con­struc­tion, archi­tec­ture and urban plan­ning sec­tors as well, for exam­ple, solu­tions to the prob­lems cre­at­ed by the steady growth of urban areas and by lim­it­ed resources for con­struc­tion mate­ri­als. Phoenix Design Acad­e­my with Tony Jankows­ki has tack­led the top­ic of the autonomous con­struc­tion of the future and presents it DUOTEC project in which the build­ing prin­ci­ples used by spi­ders and snails are trans­lat­ed into archi­tec­ture and tech­ni­cal sys­tems. Two mobile robots weave and bond inno­v­a­tive mate­ri­als just like their nat­ur­al role mod­els. Smarter Togeth­er is an EU-spon­sored project for the devel­op­ment of intel­li­gent solu­tions for smart cities. A dis­trict of Munich has been equipped with intel­li­gent street lamps which log traf­fic data, gauge emis­sion lev­els, record cli­mate-relat­ed data, and serve as pub­lic M‑WLAN hotspots. Infor­ma­tion is used intel­li­gent­ly to save ener­gy, reduce CO2 emis­sions, and make traf­fic flow in a clean­er and smarter way.

Smarter learn­ing
Dig­i­tal learn­ing using inno­v­a­tive soft­ware promis­es a small rev­o­lu­tion in the lives of school and uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents as well as in those of peo­ple with cog­ni­tive lim­i­ta­tions. The KoBeLU project devel­oped by Lud­wigs-Max­i­m­il­ian-Uni­ver­sität and sev­en oth­er part­ners is all about inter­ac­tive learn­ing assis­tants. Con­tent is dis­played visu­al­ly and is explained direct­ly on site with the help of pro­jec­tions. Inter­ac­tive assis­tants pro­vide work instruc­tions, for exam­ple, for cook­ing a meal or assem­bling a generator.

Exhibits also have been con­tributed by Cabuu and BioID. An app designed by the start-up Cabuu helps pupils and lan­guage afi­ciona­dos learn Eng­lish vocab­u­lary inter­ac­tive­ly and dig­i­tal­ly. BioID’s live face recog­ni­tion algo­rithm can dif­fer­en­ti­ate between actu­al and sim­u­lat­ed faces and thus helps pro­tect sen­si­tive data.

“Well Con­nect­ed” is the third exhi­bi­tion of the five-part series “Bay­ern gestal­ten” and will be on dis­play until Sep­tem­ber 11, 2019 in Ter­mi­nal 2, Lev­el 04, south­ern check-in area.

Well Con­nect­ed
July 11 through Sep­tem­ber 11, 2019
Munich Air­port, Ter­mi­nal 2, Lev­el 04, Check-In Area South