20. June 2022

Design con­nects! bay­ern design launch­es new com­mu­ni­ty website

Nurem­berg, Ger­many — bay­ern design, the focal point for inter­na­tion­al knowl­edge shar­ing and design alliances in Bavaria, has relaunched its web­site with a new look. Mem­bers of the design com­mu­ni­ty are invit­ed to con­tribute arti­cles effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly. Edi­to­r­i­al con­tent also will be pro­vid­ed by bay­ern design and select­ed experts. Nadine Vicen­ti­ni, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of bay­ern design, explains the con­cept: “With our new web­site, we aim to repo­si­tion the bay­ern design brand. In addi­tion, we want to show that our leit­mo­tif, Design con­nects, is in our DNA and we want to ensure that it is under­stand­able. The bay­ern design web­site is the infor­ma­tive port of call for all things design and design fund­ing in Bavaria. Also, it is a tool for the cor­po­rate world – com­pa­nies search­ing for cre­ative ser­vices or project part­ners will find what they are look­ing for in pro­files of the community.”

Design and function

In addi­tion to the leit­mo­tif, Design con­nects, the thread that links the ele­ments of the design sys­tem is the trans­fer of the brand’s val­ues – open­ness, opti­mism, and respon­si­bil­i­ty. The result is a light, play­ful, and clear graph­ic lan­guage that first and fore­most is rein­ter­pret­ed and trans­lat­ed into the var­i­ous com­po­nents of the web­site time and again by the con­cise over­lay effect in vibrant reds and blues. The web­site was cre­at­ed by Die Krieger des Lichts (DKdL) agency of Nuremberg.

The land­ing page includes updat­ed the­mat­ic posts, event infor­ma­tion, and case stud­ies deliv­ered by bay­ern design or mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty. By click­ing on a post, users can view details of the respec­tive piece or browse through relat­ed con­tent. The full-text search and the fil­ter func­tions facil­i­tate tar­get­ed queries. The menu bar con­tains the com­mu­ni­ty, cal­en­dar, and Design con­nects sec­tions. The lat­ter includes an intro­duc­tion of bay­ern design and its sup­port­ing asso­ci­a­tion, bay­ern design forum e.V.

Join­ing the community 

The com­mu­ni­ty sec­tion is acces­si­ble to all providers of design-ori­ent­ed cre­ative ser­vices (firms, agen­cies, free­lancers), com­pa­nies, and insti­tu­tions locat­ed with­in and beyond Bavar­i­an bor­ders. Poten­tial clients on the look­out for suit­able providers of cre­ative ser­vices can get a first impres­sion and con­tact poten­tial part­ners direct­ly using the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed. Fil­ters make it easy to lim­it search­es to spe­cif­ic design dis­ci­plines and/or sites. One of the goals is to pro­mote region­al con­nec­tiv­i­ty. In turn, providers of cre­ative ser­vices will find suit­able project part­ners in the fields of sci­ence, busi­ness, or crafts. At the time of the relaunch of the web­site, the list of mem­bers in the com­mu­ni­ty sec­tion had more than 400 entries. Cre­at­ing a basic pro­file is free of charge; mem­bers can update and edit their pro­files them­selves after receiv­ing their login infor­ma­tion from the website’s edi­to­r­i­al team.

MCBW pro­gram part­ners and mem­bers of bay­ern design forum e.V. are wel­come to con­fig­ure detailed pro­files includ­ing pic­tures and logos, sub­mit their own tech­ni­cal arti­cles, or post job ads (only for mem­bers) which will be dis­played on the new land­ing page once they are activated.

Also, after login, com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers can define per­son­al fil­ters to receive their pre­ferred con­tent. Users are wel­come to apply for login data to cre­ate a basic pro­file for the web­site effec­tive immediately.