9. February 2022

Joseph Binder Award for Graph­ic Design and Illustration

This year, des­ig­naus­tria is hold­ing the inter­na­tion­al Joseph Binder Award (JBA22) for graph­ic design and illus­tra­tion for the 16th time. The graph­ic design of the com­pe­ti­tion comes from the Vien­na-based stu­dio Ham­mer­Al­brecht. Under the mot­to “Let’s cel­e­brate the cre­ative process,” they are bring­ing Joseph Binder’s visu­al lan­guage into the new dig­i­tal age.

Design­ers, illus­tra­tors, agen­cies and stu­dents from all over the world are invit­ed to sub­mit their works real­ized between 2020 and today until April 15, 2022.

The sub­mis­sions will be reviewed by an inter­na­tion­al jury in thir­teen cat­e­gories: Cor­po­rate Design, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Design, Infor­ma­tion Design, Type Design, Poster Design, Edi­tion Design, Pack­ag­ing Design, Screen Design, Book Illus­tra­tion, Media Illus­tra­tion, Adver­tis­ing Illus­tra­tion, Illus­tra­tion in Oth­er Appli­ca­tions, and Design Fic­tion (i.e., non-com­mis­sioned projects, stu­dent projects, and concepts).

Reg­is­tra­tion by Feb­ru­ary 28, 2022, will ben­e­fit from a 10 per­cent dis­count on the entry fee.

Tro­phies in gold, sil­ver and bronze will be award­ed in all cat­e­gories. In the spe­cial Design Fic­tion cat­e­go­ry, cash prizes total­ing 10,000 euros will be award­ed. To hon­or par­tic­u­lar­ly excel­lent work, the Hen­ry Stein­er Prize will be award­ed again this year.

The win­ners will be announced in Novem­ber 2022.