first tues­day in September

1. September 2020
10:00 – 11:00

Often nurs­ing staff and peo­ple in need of care do not have access to the best ideas put for­ward by com­pa­nies, start-ups, and the design indus­try. The first tues­day ini­tia­tive was devel­oped to change the sit­u­a­tion by offer­ing a plat­form to help improve the con­nec­tions among the care sec­tor, start-ups and design as a way to ensure inno­va­tions in the care and elder assis­tance sec­tors are anchored sustainably.

“The coro­n­avirus sit­u­a­tion has empha­sized yet again the demand for bet­ter ways to car­ry out var­i­ous tasks in the care sec­tor. In many cas­es, details need to be deter­mined and improve­ments need to be made to prod­ucts used every day. Inno­va­tors with design exper­tise can offer com­pelling ideas,” says Dr. Silke Claus, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of bay­ern design.

On the first Tues­day of every month, peo­ple active in the care sec­tor and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of com­pa­nies, start-ups, and the design indus­try come togeth­er in a dig­i­tal set­ting to devel­op prac­ti­cal solu­tions. In every ses­sion inno­va­tors rep­re­sent­ing offer­ings and a case rep­re­sent­ing demand will be intro­duced. The results will be pre­sent­ed in 2021 dur­ing Munich Cre­ative Busi­ness Week (MCBW) and at the Trade Fair for Assis­tance to the Elder­ly (Altenpflege-Messe) in Nuremberg.

Reg­is­tra­tion is open effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly at (only in German!).