22. June 2022

Design in Bavaria

SLANT­ED Spe­cial Issue

OK … Bavaria stands for: Men in Leder­ho­sen and women in Dirndls (tra­di­tion­al dress­es), beer, pork Schwein­shax­en (knuck­les), Knödel (dumplings), Brezeln and Weißwürste, Okto­ber­fest, FC Bay­ern Munich, BMW (75.000 employ­ees), Audi, Allianz, Adi­das, Siemens, Alps, All­gäu, Munich, Nurem­berg, Augs­burg, Dachau, Altöt­ting, Chiem­see, Starn­berg­er See, and all the oth­er lakes, Neuschwanstein Cas­tle (logo tem­plate Dis­ney), Kraus-Maf­fei Weg­mann, Air­bus and MTU (most Ger­man arms exports come from Bavaria), Deutsches Muse­um, Pinakotheken, Neue Samm­lung, Münch­n­er Kam­mer­spiele, Bay­erische Oper, Wag­n­er-Fest­spiele, Karl Valentin, Ger­hard Polt, Lothar Matthäus (“I hope we have a lit­tle bit lucky”) …

Stop. In the case of Bavaria, the list of clichés can be extend­ed indefinitely. 

Until the 1950s, many still con­sid­ered Bavaria to be an agri­cul­tur­al state—an image that even then stood for only one side of the Free State.  In 1972, the Olympic Games in Munich pre­sent­ed the world with a civil­ian Fed­er­al Repub­lic that had shed the dull gray of the post-war years and was open­ly look­ing to the future. The Welt­stadt mit Herz (World City with Heart) was pro­claimed. Though “The games must go on.”—Avery Brundage, then pres­i­dent of the Inter­na­tion­al Olympic Com­mit­tee (IOC), declared at the funer­al ser­vice for the eleven mem­bers of the Israeli team killed the day before …

Clear­ly, Bavaria is rich. Rich in cre­ativ­i­ty, diver­si­ty, and intelligence.

With the help of bay­ern design, we tracked down design­ers, artists, pho­tog­ra­phers, illus­tra­tors, and crafters—all peo­ple who love their region (almost a third of the Bavar­i­an pop­u­la­tion prefers to spend their vaca­tions in their own state) and are pas­sion­ate about what they do. Clear­ly, Bavaria is rich. Rich in cre­ativ­i­ty, diver­si­ty, and intel­li­gence. Our research uncov­ered so many find­ings that this issue could eas­i­ly have been many times more exten­sive. It’s a typ­i­cal­ly Bavar­i­an dilem­ma we have to face: Immer etwas zu viel des Guten! (There’s always more good stuff than you can enjoy). And we think that’s real­ly good! Because life is real­ly good here. Servus!

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Slant­ed Spe­cial Issue Bavaria

Edi­tor, Pub­lish­er: Slant­ed Publishers
Release: Jule 2022

Vol­ume: 192 pages, For­mat: 16 × 24 cm
Lan­guage: English

Book­bind­ing: Open stitch binding
Print­er: Off­set, Sto­ber Medien

ISBN: 978–3‑948440–40‑4
Price: € 14.– / $ 15.50

Sup­port­ed by bay­ern design and the Bavar­i­an Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Affairs, Region­al Devel­op­ment, and Energy.