Trans­fer of expe­ri­ence for SMEs

Ger­man Inno­va­tion Sum­mit 2021

The chal­lenges of recent months have not only accel­er­at­ed dig­i­ti­za­tion in almost all areas of life and work. They have also shown that there can be no “busi­ness as usu­al. At the Ger­man Inno­va­tion Sum­mit (DIG) on Sep­tem­ber 30, thought lead­ers, trail­blaz­ers and cre­ative minds from star­tups and com­pa­nies will meet in Munich to dis­cuss ways in which the com­pul­sion to change can give rise to pas­sion and courage for the col­lab­o­ra­tive, sus­tain­able shap­ing of a world of accel­er­at­ed change.

At the cross-indus­try and cross-tech­nol­o­gy deci­sion-mak­ing meet­ing, peo­ple from the Inno­va­tion Net­work — an inno­va­tion ecosys­tem of more than 3,500 com­pa­nies — share their knowl­edge and expe­ri­ences. Peo­ple who lead the way with a lot of heart and soul, empa­thy and enthu­si­asm, who make things hap­pen and inspire oth­ers. Accord­ing to the orga­niz­ers, a unique, inter­lock­ing build­ing block con­cept quick­ly brings par­tic­i­pants into inten­sive dis­cus­sions, so that new ideas can be more quick­ly trans­formed into mar­ketable prod­ucts, part­ners and new cus­tomers can be found, and new, sus­tain­able busi­ness mod­els with future prospects can be devel­oped together.

bay­ern design is a spon­sor of the event with MCBW. The dis­count code MCBWDIG2021 is asso­ci­at­ed with a dis­count (-20%) on tick­et pur­chas­es. Please enter this code in the tick­et area on the DIG website.

For more infor­ma­tion on the agen­da and speak­ers, please vis­it