KMS TEAM, Gabrie­len­str. 9, 80636 München
12. November 2019
17:00 – 20:00

Ideas are only as good as their exe­cu­tion. At Teamtalks Ser­vice Inno­va­tion: Mak­ing it hap­pen, a pan­el made up of nation­al and inter­na­tion­al exec­u­tives will offer answers to these ques­tions: What does it take to imple­ment ser­vice inno­va­tions suc­cess­ful­ly? What are the fac­tors for suc­cess, the obsta­cles, and the accel­er­a­tors? The diverse per­spec­tives of founders, com­pa­nies, and agen­cies as well as ways to man­age ser­vice inno­va­tions in the­o­ry and in prac­tice will be dis­cussed. After the Teamtalks pre­sen­ta­tion, atten­dees will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share expe­ri­ences and ideas.

Speak­ers include

  • Hitoshi Tana­ka, CEO of JINS
  • Prof. Dr. Torsten Hafer­lach, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Münch­n­er Leukämielabor
  • Sabine Laute, Dig­i­tal Lead HR/Head of HR Inno­va­tion at Innogy
  • Garan Good­man, Asso­ciate Part­ner at Stryber
  • Moritz Rose, Vice Pres­i­dent Design at Viessmann
  • Patric Jar­chow, Head of Glob­al Mul­ti-Chan­nel Strat­e­gy & Exe­cu­tion at Merck
  • Simon Betsch, Man­ag­ing Part­ner at KMS TEAM

The event has been designed to address exec­u­tives; the num­ber of atten­dees is limited.

The dis­cus­sion will be con­duct­ed in English.