24. February 2022

MCBW’s pro­gram of 2022 is online

Today bay­ern design is announc­ing specifics of the pro­gram for Munich Cre­ative Busi­ness Week (MCBW), the largest design event in Ger­many. With the theme “Mov­ing Hori­zons”, this year’s edi­tion of MCBW will take place in May. Close to 100 ana­log, hybrid, and dig­i­tal exhi­bi­tions, con­fer­ences, streams, work­shops, and webi­na­rs will address fans and experts in the field of design. MCBW 2022 will be imple­ment­ed in coop­er­a­tion with large renowned com­pa­nies and well-known local heroes. One of the high­lights will be an inter­ac­tive show revolv­ing around the theme “Mov­ing Hori­zons”. The 38 meter long instal­la­tion made up of 12 swings will be set up on May 3 at the MCBW Pub­lic Space on the lawn in front of Alte Pinakothek. The show will invite the pub­lic to “move horizons.”

Flex­i­bil­i­ty in chang­ing times – Mov­ing Horizons
Orga­nized by bay­ern design, the state of Bavaria’s cen­ter for design com­pe­tence, the upcom­ing MCBW about “Mov­ing Hori­zons” will address society’s sit­u­a­tion today where one thing – flex­i­bil­i­ty – is more present and more in demand than ever before. Chal­lenges, includ­ing cli­mate change and the COVID-19 cri­sis, have rede­fined the frame­work in many areas of our lives. Some of these remain uncer­tain. We now have to move, ori­ent our­selves, and work with­in these frameweoks. Nadine Vicen­ti­ni, man­ag­ing direc­tor of bay­ern design and orga­niz­er of MCBW, empha­sizes: “Design can shift hori­zons. Prac­ti­cal­ly speak­ing, design sur­pris­es us with solu­tions for new stan­dards in vir­tu­al­ly all areas of our lives. This will be high­light­ed dur­ing MCBW 2022.”

Mov­ing Hori­zons swing installation
Devel­oped exclu­sive­ly for MCBW by Stu­dio OHA, the swing instal­la­tion set up on the lawn fac­ing Alte Pinakothek will be an absolute eye­catch­er. The instal­la­tion has been designed to pick up on the “Mov­ing Hori­zons” theme in a spec­tac­u­lar way. The inten­tion of this attrac­tion is to sen­si­tize peo­ple to a new lifestyle which has been ampli­fied even fur­ther by the pan­dem­ic and oth­er crises: uncer­tain­ty with regard to shift­ing stan­dards, and the need and oppor­tu­ni­ty to act flex­i­bly with­in these stan­dards. The instal­la­tion offers play­ful ways to move hori­zons. As well as being a state in which the fixed line of the hori­zon is jux­ta­posed with the user’s self-per­cep­tion, swing­ing is a decel­er­at­ing, light-heart­ed activ­i­ty that builds the courage and con­fi­dence nec­es­sary to embrace new con­cepts. Big and small dis­cov­er­ers wanted!

The MCBW 2022 program
Glob­al Design Talk is a new item on the MCBW agen­da. This series of events being host­ed in coop­er­a­tion with Arc­tic Design Week will be pre­sent­ed in a spe­cial Munich Edi­tion. In three rounds, Päivi Tahkokallio, for­mer pres­i­dent of the Bureau of Euro­pean Design Asso­ci­a­tions (BEDA), and her guests from diverse indus­tries will dis­cuss top­i­cal mat­ters includ­ing cli­mate change and cir­cu­lar­i­ty – live at the ARRI movie the­ater. Sev­er­al work­shops will sup­port com­pa­nies with their first steps towards sus­tain­abil­i­ty and cir­cu­lar think­ing. MCBW Talk & Con­nect, anoth­er speak­ing for­mat that will be pre­sent­ed for the first time in 2022, will high­light the “Mov­ing Hori­zons” theme in five brief inspi­ra­tional speech­es. A recur­ring favorite will be MCBW Design­walk where design afi­ciona­dos can take a ten-sta­tion tour through Munich’s pop­u­lar Glock­en­bachvier­tel dis­trict. Either alone or in a guid­ed group, par­tic­i­pants will dis­cov­er excit­ing works by young design­ers at select­ed design shops. Two trans­par­ent MCBW Pop-Ups will pro­vide fas­ci­nat­ing insights into the world of design to passers-by short of time. As part of MCBW Designk­i­no, six select­ed design films will be avail­able for stream­ing dig­i­tal­ly through­out the entire week.

Par­tic­i­pat­ing MCBW part­ners include COBE, KMS Team, Ingo Mau­r­er, Phoenix, Die Neue Samm­lung – The Design Muse­um, Kun­stare­al München, Cal­li­garis Flag­ship Store, Schnitzer&, User Inter­face Design, and Vere­in Inno­va­tion 4.X M. Togeth­er with many oth­er par­tic­i­pants they will host com­pelling events relat­ing to the entire band­width of indus­try-relat­ed top­ics includ­ing patent law, film tech­nol­o­gy, dig­i­tal edu­ca­tion for chil­dren, retail per­for­mance, new work, self-mar­ket­ing, mobil­i­ty, recruit­ing, and many more. Oth­er dis­tin­guished sup­port­ers include Google, Steel­case, Vit­ra, HENN Architek­ten, and Munich Urban Colab (Unternehmer­TUM). Final­ly, the BMW Group has again been sup­port­ing MCBW as a spon­sor and part­ner from the outset.