At the kick-off meeting for the partners of the MUNICH CREATIVE BUSINESS WEEK 2022 (MCBW), Nadine Vicentini, managing director of bayern design, and Lisa Braun, head of MCBW, gave insights into new formats and presented new partner packages as well as the annual theme of the upcoming long week of design.
Under the leitmotif Design connects and the two program areas, CREATE BUSINESS! for the trade audience and DESIGN SCHAU! for the design-savvy public, inspiring design experiences are created, know-how is shared, trends and the latest innovations are discussed, and contacts are forged in order to fully immerse oneself in the world of design.
Theme of the year: Moving horizons
In doing so, MCBW underlines its concept- and content-based orientation with changing main themes along the major trends and questions that move today’s society.
Underlying all the current issues and topics such as climate change, sustainability, equal rights for all, social responsibility and collaboration, however, is also a strong hankering for lightness, to be optimistic, courageous and self-confident in doing the right things at exactly the right time. The yearning for a world in balance has become the driver for renewal. Design mediates between surging desires, realities and disciplines; it inquires, creates processes, structures and materials; it generates ideas, shape and meaning. “We believe that the time for the creative economy is now”, says MCBW’s Lisa Braun at the kick-off event (see video).
“With the MCBW 2022, we seek to gaze at the horizon and beyond, to expand and move horizons, to question old horizons and create new ones, while showing how designers can satiate these cravings. Let’s discover new horizons together”, says Nadine Vicentini of bayern design about the theme of the year.
Partner packages to meet different demands
The MUNICH CREATIVE BUSINESS WEEK (MCBW) is Germany’s largest design event and at the same time an international showcase for the Bavarian creative and design industry. As a platform, the MCBW grants companies and designers from all disciplines the opportunity to present themselves to the professional world and the design-savvy public in Munich and the surrounding area over a period of nine days in a variety of event formats, such as exhibitions, lectures, talks, panel discussions, etc.
For those interested in a program partnership, there are different partnership packages that take into account the different requirements and possibilities. On the MCBW website there are current recommendations regarding events and sanitary measures that need to be considered. It is conceivable that more events will be held digitally in the event of another lockdown or other restrictions. The event pages can therefore be adapted by the program partners to current developments at short notice if necessary. You have until December 1, 2021 to register a program item for MCBW 2022.
The MCBW is organised by bayern design GmbH and sponsored by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as well as the City of Munich.