2. July 2021

“Mov­ing hori­zons” — MCBW 2022 Kick-off

At the kick-off meet­ing for the part­ners of the MUNICH CRE­ATIVE BUSI­NESS WEEK 2022 (MCBW), Nadine Vicen­ti­ni, man­ag­ing direc­tor of bay­ern design, and Lisa Braun, head of MCBW, gave insights into new for­mats and pre­sent­ed new part­ner pack­ages as well as the annu­al theme of the upcom­ing long week of design.

Under the leit­mo­tif Design con­nects and the two pro­gram areas, CRE­ATE BUSI­NESS! for the trade audi­ence and DESIGN SCHAU! for the design-savvy pub­lic, inspir­ing design expe­ri­ences are cre­at­ed, know-how is shared, trends and the lat­est inno­va­tions are dis­cussed, and con­tacts are forged in order to ful­ly immerse one­self in the world of design.

Theme of the year: Mov­ing horizons
In doing so, MCBW under­lines its con­cept- and con­tent-based ori­en­ta­tion with chang­ing main themes along the major trends and ques­tions that move today’s society.

Under­ly­ing all the cur­rent issues and top­ics such as cli­mate change, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, equal rights for all, social respon­si­bil­i­ty and col­lab­o­ra­tion, how­ev­er, is also a strong han­ker­ing for light­ness, to be opti­mistic, coura­geous and self-con­fi­dent in doing the right things at exact­ly the right time. The yearn­ing for a world in bal­ance has become the dri­ver for renew­al. Design medi­ates between surg­ing desires, real­i­ties and dis­ci­plines; it inquires, cre­ates process­es, struc­tures and mate­ri­als; it gen­er­ates ideas, shape and mean­ing. “We believe that the time for the cre­ative econ­o­my is now”, says MCBW’s Lisa Braun at the kick-off event (see video).

“With the MCBW 2022, we seek to gaze at the hori­zon and beyond, to expand and move hori­zons, to ques­tion old hori­zons and cre­ate new ones, while show­ing how design­ers can sati­ate these crav­ings. Let’s dis­cov­er new hori­zons togeth­er”, says Nadine Vicen­ti­ni of bay­ern design about the theme of the year.

Part­ner pack­ages to meet dif­fer­ent demands
The MUNICH CRE­ATIVE BUSI­NESS WEEK (MCBW) is Germany’s largest design event and at the same time an inter­na­tion­al show­case for the Bavar­i­an cre­ative and design indus­try. As a plat­form, the MCBW grants com­pa­nies and design­ers from all dis­ci­plines the oppor­tu­ni­ty to present them­selves to the pro­fes­sion­al world and the design-savvy pub­lic in Munich and the sur­round­ing area over a peri­od of nine days in a vari­ety of event for­mats, such as exhi­bi­tions, lec­tures, talks, pan­el dis­cus­sions, etc.

For those inter­est­ed in a pro­gram part­ner­ship, there are dif­fer­ent part­ner­ship pack­ages that take into account the dif­fer­ent require­ments and pos­si­bil­i­ties. On the MCBW web­site there are cur­rent rec­om­men­da­tions regard­ing events and san­i­tary mea­sures that need to be con­sid­ered. It is con­ceiv­able that more events will be held dig­i­tal­ly in the event of anoth­er lock­down or oth­er restric­tions. The event pages can there­fore be adapt­ed by the pro­gram part­ners to cur­rent devel­op­ments at short notice if nec­es­sary. You have until Decem­ber 1, 2021 to reg­is­ter a pro­gram item for MCBW 2022.

The MCBW is organ­ised by bay­ern design GmbH and spon­sored by the Bavar­i­an Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Affairs, Region­al Devel­op­ment and Ener­gy as well as the City of Munich.