Mjøstår­net – 85 m tim­ber build­ing in Norway


Mjøstår­net is an 85 m high mixed-use tim­ber build­ing in Bru­mund­dal, Nor­way that was com­plet­ed in March 2019. It is rat­i­fied by CTBUH as the world’s tallest tim­ber building.
Rune Abra­ham­sen, CEO of Moel­ven Limtre AS, says: “It’s real­ly inspir­ing to see the mas­sive inter­est for this build­ing world­wide. There are great demands for sus­tain­able solu­tions in the future, and Mjøstår­net is now the world’s tallest show­case for just that.”

Mjøstår­net con­sists of offices, tech­ni­cal rooms, 32 apart­ments, 72 hotel rooms, one hotel suite on lev­el 15, a restau­rant, a con­fer­ence room on lev­el 17 and a rooftop ter­race. The build­ing has a com­bined floor area of around 11,300 square meters and has 18 storeys. The main load bear­ing con­sists of large scale glu­lam truss­es along the façades as well as inter­nal columns and beams. The truss­es han­dle the glob­al forces in hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal direc­tion and give the build­ing its nec­es­sary stiff­ness. CLT walls are used for sec­ondary load bear­ing of three ele­va­tors and two stair­cas­es, but do not con­tribute to the building’s hor­i­zon­tal stability.
The lec­ture will give excit­ing insights into plan­ning and con­struc­tion processes.

About Rune Abrahamsen