Organized by bayern design, munich creative business week (mcbw) is the largest design event in Germany. The top-caliber, multifarious program of the 12th edition taking place in Munich May 6 through 14, 2023 will address design aficionados and experts alike.
Claim and key visual
For nine days, next year’s mcbw, with the claim Why disruption unleashes creativity, will offer creators in the fields of design and architecture and from the corporate world, as well as visitors, the opportunity to exchange ideas and perspectives about the relationship between disruption and creativity. mcbw is a platform for all people concerned with transformation. A variety of events, exhibitions, presentations, and initiatives offered throughout Munich as part of mcbw 2023 will facilitate encounters, foster interdisciplinary discourse, and provide sources of inspiration focusing on Why disruption unleashes creativity.
This claim will act as the umbrella for focal themes including New approaches to thinking/anders denken, Vivifying disruption/Brüche beleben, Crossover works/Crossover wirkt, andLeveraging disruption/Disruption nutzen. Delving into the topic of disruption, has developed a key visual that illustrates the fundamental principles of creative thinking in an abs tract manner. The simple geometric forms of circle, square, and triangle arranged in various ways symbolize thereassembly of fragmented elements of knowledge.
Creative Explorer
For the first time in the history of mcbw, a prominent figure will actively represent the event’s claim and will set out food for thought: The role of Creative Explorer 2023 will be assumed by Leyla Acaroglu, globally acclaimed expert in disruptive design methods, author of the manual titled Disruptive Design. A Method for Activating Positive Social Change by Design, TED speaker, and founder of UnSchool of Disruptive Design. With her background, Acaroglu embodies the claim of mcbw 2023 in a very unique way. She will be the keynote speaker at mcbw talk&connect on May 8, 2023 in Munich.
Kick-off press conference on February 16, 2023
Another enhancement in 2023 is a kick-off press conference to be held on February 16 in addition to the regular press conference that will take place shortly before mcbw begins. The goal of the kick-off press conference is to present the individual focal themes in detail. Creative Explorer Leyla Acaroglu will participate via a live connection. More information, including the location of the first press conference, will be published in January 2023.
mcbw mag
The supporting magazine, mcbw mag, also will deal with how the relationship between disruption and creativity can reveal potential in design, architecture, the corporate sector, and society. mcbw mag will dig deeper into the focal themes of mcbw based on interviews with Annette Diefenthaler (IDEO San Francisco), Catherine Sarah Young (UNSW Sydney), Rama Gheerawo (Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design), and Annabelle von Reutern (concular). Content contributed by program partners will complement this publication which is under the editorial responsibility of Oliver Herwig.
Press conferences – save the dates
Kick-off press conference: February 16, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., location tbd
Press conference at the start of mcbw: May 5, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., location tbd
About mcbw
mcbw is organized by bayern design GmbH and sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, and the City of Munich.