9. December 2022

munich cre­ative busi­ness week 2023

Save the Date

Orga­nized by bay­ern design, munich cre­ative busi­ness week (mcbw) is the largest design event in Ger­many. The top-cal­iber, mul­ti­far­i­ous pro­gram of the 12th edi­tion tak­ing place in Munich May 6 through 14, 2023 will address design afi­ciona­dos and experts alike.

Claim and key visual

For nine days, next year’s mcbw, with the claim Why dis­rup­tion unleash­es cre­ativ­i­ty, will offer cre­ators in the fields of design and archi­tec­ture and from the cor­po­rate world, as well as vis­i­tors, the oppor­tu­ni­ty to exchange ideas and per­spec­tives about the rela­tion­ship between dis­rup­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty. mcbw is a plat­form for all peo­ple con­cerned with trans­for­ma­tion. A vari­ety of events, exhi­bi­tions, pre­sen­ta­tions, and ini­tia­tives offered through­out Munich as part of mcbw 2023 will facil­i­tate encoun­ters, fos­ter inter­dis­ci­pli­nary dis­course, and pro­vide sources of inspi­ra­tion focus­ing on Why dis­rup­tion unleash­es creativity.

This claim will act as the umbrel­la for focal themes includ­ing New approach­es to thinking/anders denken, Viv­i­fy­ing disruption/Brüche beleben, Crossover works/Crossover wirkt, andLever­ag­ing disruption/Disruption nutzen. Delv­ing into the top­ic of dis­rup­tion, hw.design has devel­oped a key visu­al that illus­trates the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of cre­ative think­ing in an abs tract man­ner. The sim­ple geo­met­ric forms of cir­cle, square, and tri­an­gle arranged in var­i­ous ways sym­bol­ize there­assem­bly of frag­ment­ed ele­ments of knowledge.

Cre­ative Explorer

For the first time in the his­to­ry of mcbw, a promi­nent fig­ure will active­ly rep­re­sent the event’s claim and will set out food for thought: The role of Cre­ative Explor­er 2023 will be assumed by Ley­la Acaroglu, glob­al­ly acclaimed expert in dis­rup­tive design meth­ods, author of the man­u­al titled Dis­rup­tive Design. A Method for Acti­vat­ing Pos­i­tive Social Change by Design, TED speak­er, and founder of UnSchool of Dis­rup­tive Design. With her back­ground, Acaroglu embod­ies the claim of mcbw 2023 in a very unique way. She will be the keynote speak­er at mcbw talk&connect on May 8, 2023 in Munich.

Kick-off press con­fer­ence on Feb­ru­ary 16, 2023

Anoth­er enhance­ment in 2023 is a kick-off press con­fer­ence to be held on Feb­ru­ary 16 in addi­tion to the reg­u­lar press con­fer­ence that will take place short­ly before mcbw begins. The goal of the kick-off press con­fer­ence is to present the indi­vid­ual focal themes in detail. Cre­ative Explor­er Ley­la Acaroglu will par­tic­i­pate via a live con­nec­tion. More infor­ma­tion, includ­ing the loca­tion of the first press con­fer­ence, will be pub­lished in Jan­u­ary 2023.

mcbw mag

The sup­port­ing mag­a­zine, mcbw mag, also will deal with how the rela­tion­ship between dis­rup­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty can reveal poten­tial in design, archi­tec­ture, the cor­po­rate sec­tor, and soci­ety. mcbw mag will dig deep­er into the focal themes of mcbw based on inter­views with Annette Diefen­thaler (IDEO San Fran­cis­co), Cather­ine Sarah Young (UNSW Syd­ney), Rama Gheer­a­wo (Helen Ham­lyn Cen­tre for Design), and Annabelle von Reutern (con­cu­lar). Con­tent con­tributed by pro­gram part­ners will com­ple­ment this pub­li­ca­tion which is under the edi­to­r­i­al respon­si­bil­i­ty of Oliv­er Herwig.

Press con­fer­ences – save the dates

Kick-off press con­fer­ence: Feb­ru­ary 16, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., loca­tion tbd
Press con­fer­ence at the start of mcbw: May 5, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., loca­tion tbd

About mcbw

mcbw is orga­nized by bay­ern design GmbH and spon­sored by the Bavar­i­an State Min­istry for Eco­nom­ic Affairs, Region­al Devel­op­ment and Ener­gy, and the City of Munich.