first tues­day in December

Gamification and entertainment

Online-Ver­anstal­tung über Go-To-Meeting
1. December 2020
10:00 – 11:00

Peo­ple in need of care and car­ers often do not have access to the best ideas from com­pa­nies, start-ups and the design indus­try. The ini­tia­tive first tues­day wants to cre­ate a plat­form for bet­ter net­work­ing of care, start-ups and design com­pe­tence, so that inno­va­tions in the areas of care and elder­ly care are anchored in the long term.

The upcom­ing online meet­ing on Tues­day, Decem­ber 1 from 10:00 — 11:00,will focus on gam­i­fi­ca­tion and enter­tain­ment in the care sector.

Stef­fen Preuss from Icho Sys­tems, a provider of smart ther­a­py solu­tions, will give an intro­duc­to­ry impulse into the top­ic of gam­i­fi­ca­tion. Lars Oldach, head of the senior res­i­dence Bux­te­hude, for­mu­lates some needs and require­ments from the per­spec­tive of care. The nurs­ing home is part of the K&S Group, a fam­i­ly-owned com­pa­ny active nation­wide in the care and health sec­tor with head­quar­ters in Sot­trum, Low­er Saxony.

Kris­t­ian Gohlke, M.Sc. Dig­i­tal Media, con­tributes ini­tial ideas for solv­ing the need. The design­er works and teach­es as an inter­ac­tion design­er, uni­ver­si­ty lec­tur­er and media cre­ator in Weimar and Halle (Saale). His works explore the inter­ac­tions and inter­faces between peo­ple and tech­nol­o­gy — in the con­text of per­cep­tion and action. Cur­rent­ly he is devel­op­ing sen­sor-based user inter­faces based on pneu­mat­ic tex­tile sys­tems and soft robot­ics tech­nolo­gies in the research project ReTh­i­Care. In free­lance engage­ments he real­izes inter­ac­tive instal­la­tions for the Berlin Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra, Native Instru­ments GmbH, Red Bull Stu­dios (Tokyo), LEGOLAND GmbH and is a con­sul­tant for Human-Tech­nol­o­gy-Inter­ac­tion & UX.

Elis­a­beth Klug and Mar­ius Grein­er, two design stu­dents at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences Coburg, intro­duce an inter­ac­tive train­er for Parkinson’s patients. Their move­ment ther­a­py device, for which they have already received recog­ni­tion at the Mia Seeger Prize, exists so far only as a con­cept. How­ev­er, the tech­nol­o­gy is known from game con­soles: A white disk on the wall shows a lumi­nous fig­ure that looks like a stick fig­ure. The fig­ure moves and rais­es its arms and legs in large move­ments. If users imi­tate the move­ments, a cam­era cap­tures them and gives feed­back whether the move­ment has been exe­cut­ed correctly.

Every first Tues­day (“first tues­day”) of the month, actors from the care sec­tor come togeth­er dig­i­tal­ly with com­pa­nies, start-ups and the design indus­try to devel­op prac­ti­cal solu­tions. Each event presents two inno­va­tors* of sup­ply and demand. Results are to be pre­sent­ed in 2021 at the events Munich Cre­ative Busi­ness Week (MCBW) in Munich and the Altenpflege-Messe in Nuremberg.

The series will be held in coop­er­a­tion with the C&S Insti­tute, the Insti­tute for Uni­ver­sal Design and the Vin­centz Network.

Reg­is­tra­tion to this event (in Ger­man only) is now open.