8. July 2019

Meet­ing of the Mem­bers 2019 – New Board

bay­ern design forum e.V. has a new board: The mem­bers attend­ing the meet­ing held on July 1 re-elect­ed Rolf Schif­fer­ens, CEO of Faber-Castell AG, as first chair­per­son. Markus Hoff­mann, mem­ber of the Board of Man­age­ment and Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Leon­hard Kurz Stiftung & Co. KG, was appoint­ed deputy chair­per­son. Wolf­gang Bastert, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Immo­Ba GmbH & Co. KG “Werk Eins”, is the new trea­sur­er, and Rolf Keller, mem­ber of the Board of Man­age­ment of Nürn­bergMesse, will con­tin­ue as secretary.

Hans-Her­mann Ueff­ing, for­mer Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of TÜV Rhein­land, LGA Beteili­gungs GmbH, has retired from his office as trea­sur­er of bay­ern design forum e.V. Mr. Schif­fer­ens and the mem­bers thanked Mr. Ueff­ing for his vol­un­tary con­tri­bu­tions over the past 25 years.

The fol­low­ing mem­bers also were re-elect­ed: Wol­fram Brehm (IHK Bayreuth), Dr. Andreas Fre­undt (IHK Aschaf­fen­burg), Thomas Genosko (IHK Regens­burg), Prof. Dr. Ralf Jahn (IHK Würzburg), Markus Lötzsch (IHK Nürn­berg), and Sieg­mar Schn­abel (IHK Coburg).

Thomas Pogn­er, own­er of Pogn­er Innenaus­bau und Möbelde­sign, was re-appoint­ed as audi­tor. Sabine Sauber, spokes­woman and Direc­tor of Mar­ket­ing at Design Offices, is a new mem­ber of the board.

When the report­ing and elec­tions were com­plet­ed, bay­ern design Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Dr. Silke Claus and Dr. Kil­ian Stein­er dis­cussed the activ­i­ties and pro­grams orga­nized by bay­ern design GmbH and encour­aged atten­dees to voice their opin­ions and ideas.

The last item on the agen­da was a fas­ci­nat­ing pre­sen­ta­tion by Dr. Thomas Neumey­er, Area Man­ag­er for Plas­tics at Neue Mate­ri­alien Bayreuth GmbH, on mate­ri­als and their roles as game chang­ers in 3D printing.

Par­tic­i­pants were invit­ed to net­work and talk amongst them­selves while enjoy­ing fin­ger food and cool bev­er­ages on the extra­or­di­nary roof ter­race of Design Offices in Nuremberg.

Pic­ture: Meet­ing of the Mem­bers 2019: Markus Hoff­mann (deputy chair­per­son), Wolf­gang Bastert (trea­sur­er), Rolf Schif­fer­ens (first chair­per­son), Rolf Keller (sec­re­tary) und Hans-Her­mann Ueff­ing (for­mer trea­sur­er), from the left, pho­to: Anna Seibel