Design helps! – Special program dedicated to companies
A virus has changed the world. Most companies have recognized the need to overhaul their products and services, their distribution channels, and their communication and marketing activities to adapt to the new reality. The situation calls for new solutions – fast. bayern design has set up a series of digital events to provide the strategies, best practices, and tools your company needs to better weather the COVID-19 crisis.
Jointly with companies and renowned partners active in the design sector, bayern design has developed Design hilft! (Design helps!), a multi-faceted program for small and medium-sized companies across industries. As part of Design hilft!, best practice examples for product design will be presented in diverse digital formats to illustrate the impulses, solutions, strategies, and tools the design industry has to offer.
“Unlike almost any other group of professionals, designers have become expert at adjusting to changing requirements quickly and creatively time and time again and at developing expedient solutions,” says Dr. Silke Claus, Managing Director of bayern design. “Companies can benefit from design in a number of ways as they adjust to a world marked by COVID-19.” Design helps! covers a broad range of topics including designing new products, reconditioning work spaces and business premises to meet distancing and hygiene regulations, implementing the design-based digitization of offerings and services, and meeting the challenges of communication and the concrete innovation requirements in the personal care and healthcare sectors.
All topics will be discussed by experts from design agencies and companies of diverse sizes and industries including practitioners and researchers who will share their knowledge, experiences, and ideas.
The events will be conducted digitally. Unless stated otherwise, bayern design is offering these workshops and training opportunities free of charge.
Overview of the events in the Design helps! series:
- Design helps! – Designing Workspaces (June 16, 2020)
The coronavirus pandemic is having a substantial effect on our work environments. Companies are facing the challenge of implementing hygiene and safety standards in their workspaces and offices. The topic will be discussed at a bayern design forum hosted jointly with our partners Steelcase and Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO).
- Design helps! – Design Management, Service Design, and Product Development (July 2, 2020)
At this bayern design forum, experts will discuss how companies adopt and implement design methods and design thinking as key elements of their management, work process design, and customer-oriented product development activities. The focus will be on approaches that can help companies cope with the economic impact of the pandemic. The discussion also will clarify how investments in design management and service design can contribute to advancing a company’s success and profitability over the medium and the long term.
- Design helps! — First Tuesday (July 7, 2020)
The first edition of this series will revolve around the topic of participation in the context of care and society. Conducted on a regular basis, the First Tuesday series is aimed at linking innovation, the care industry, and design to facilitate the creative and collegial management of transdisciplinary digital and analog challenges facing the care sector. Our goal is to bring individuals, companies, start-ups, and founders together with innovators in the care sector in a task-focused trialog with the design industry. The series will be hosted in cooperation with C&S Institut, Institut für Universal Design, and Vincentz Network.
- Design helps! – Ideas for the Market (starts July 10, 2020)
The bayern design talks conducted as part of Design helps! – Ideas for the Market will center on inspiring product ideas. bayern design will present new ideas and products that can model the way companies respond to the new challenges resulting from the pandemic.
- RESCHEDULED TO FALL Design helps! – Co-Creation Workshop
Creativity and genuine collaboration can engender future-proof solutions that focus specifically on users’ requirements. At this two-day workshop, participants will sprint through a co-creation process and will develop new ideas on sustainability-related topics in small teams. The workshop will be offered jointly with our partner co-co-co GmbH as part of the bayern design tools.
For more information on the individual events, please refer to the bayern design event pages.