The Stiftung Buchkunst (Book Art Foundation) invites publishers, book designers, and production companies to take part in the “The Most Beautiful German Books” and “Young Book Design Award” competitions.
The competition “The Most Beautiful German Books” is explicitly about the well-designed utility book. Also welcome are, for example, paperbacks, graphic novels or the non-illustrated book of fiction. The quality of the book is judged in terms of design, conception and processing. The competition is aimed at publishers, book designers and the producing companies.
“The Most Beautiful German Books” 2021 awards a fixed number of 25 books (five books in each of five categories). These are at the same time the nominations for the “Stiftung Buchkunst Prize” worth 10,000 euros. New publications for the years 2020 and 2021 can be submitted. Further information can be found in the conditions of participation.
The “Promotional Prize for Young Book Design” aims to detect extraordinary, new ideas for printed books or hybrid book forms — and thus developments in the medium of book design — and to make visible book impulses for tomorrow as well as quality concepts of today. Student work is also expressly welcome. And here, too, more detailed information is contained in the conditions of participation.
The deadline for both competitions is March 31, 2021. For more information please visit the website of Stiftung Buchkunst (in German).