first tuesday in April: day care
10:00 – 11:00
The first tuesday initiative offers a platform for better networking between care, start-ups and design expertise so that innovations in the areas of care and assistance for the elderly are sustainably anchored. The event in April is about an important offer that relieves care-giving relatives: Day care.
It is designed to offer people in need of care a daily structure, a sense of well-being and activation in order to relieve the burden on family members and avoid inpatient stays wherever possible. One thing seems certain: the need for such services will increase sharply. At first Tuesday, questions will be discussed as to how a stay in a day care center can be designed in such a way that these goals are achieved, and what architectural impulses can be set?
Designers, experts from care and activation will present their thoughts and projects, including Marie Ruddeck from “Frau Kettner” with the one-handed plate. It gives people with limited mobility the opportunity to eat independently and without outside help. In addition, the Leipzig-based company Mormor will present its active furniture, which is designed to convey safety and encourage mobility.
An introduction to the session contributes Dr. David Unbehaun, a post-doctoral researcher in the Information Systems and New Media Chair at the University of Siegen. His current research is about designing, implementing and evaluating ICT-based systems in the field of Active and healthy aging, cognitive and physical frailty, age related diseases and especially in the field of dementia.
Claudia Pannenbecker, nursing service manager (PDL) in the day care center of asd Ankum talks about the daily challenges and new concepts in day care.
The first tuesday series began in July 2020. Since then, on the first Tuesday of every month (“first tuesday”), actors from the care sector have come together digitally with companies, start-ups and the design industry to develop practical solutions. Each event presents two innovators of supply and demand.
The series is being held in cooperation with the C&S Institute, the Institute for Universal Design and the Vincentz Network.
Information on further contributors will follow shortly. Registration is now open.