1. October 2019

DIS­COV­ER­ERS exhi­bi­tion inaugurated

Design in sports is a deter­min­ing ele­ment, the inter­face between humans and tech­nol­o­gy. bay­ern design has ded­i­cat­ed DIS­COV­ER­ERS, the fourth com­po­nent of the exhi­bi­tion series Bay­ern gestal­tet / Bavaria designs, to this top­ic. Nine for­ward-look­ing projects co-cre­at­ed by com­pa­nies in Bavaria that illus­trate the amal­ga­ma­tion of sports and gam­ing through inno­v­a­tive mate­ri­als, wear­ables and exhibits will be show­cased until Novem­ber 21, 2019 at Munich Air­port (Ter­mi­nal 2, Lev­el 04, Check-In Area South). DIS­COV­ER­ERS will be com­ple­ment­ed by a pre­sen­ta­tion of a smart city to be devel­oped on the air­port grounds – Lab­Cam­pus, a cen­ter of inno­va­tion for com­pa­nies, research insti­tu­tions, start-ups, and cre­ative people.

A sym­bio­sis of fit­ness, health and technology
Because hav­ing a fit and healthy body is a key indi­ca­tor of lifestyle, tech­nol­o­gy in this field is evolv­ing rapid­ly. These nine exhibits aim at mak­ing every­day life eas­i­er and pro­mot­ing health.

SNAP, a smart wear­able cre­at­ed by design­er Robert Dabi of Schwaig who explores inter­ac­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion in a radio-ready envi­ron­ment. It is a wear­able device that links the inter­ac­tion between peo­ple and the objects near them such as door locks, lights, or bicy­cles. The small device, which can be clipped to a belt, can open the dig­i­tal lock on a bicy­cle when swiped over it.

The light­weight elec­tric-dri­ve bicy­cle Straßen­feger S4 E cre­at­ed by high-tech enter­prise Elec­trolyte of Baiern turns the com­mute to work into an ath­let­ic exer­cise. The hybrid bike com­bines state-of-the-art tech­nol­o­gy with crafts­man­ship. When the elec­tric engine is acti­vat­ed, the patent­ed Elec­trolyte dri­ve unit made of CNC-machined parts facil­i­tates a range of up to 100 km at the push of a but­ton as well as tail­wind. Because the motor can be dis­en­gaged, the Straßen­feger S4 E can be maneu­vered effort­less­ly even when the bat­tery is empty.

GORE-TEX 3D tech­nol­o­gy is a sock-like insert devel­oped by the Putzbrunn, Ger­many branch of GORE-TEX of Newark (U.S.A.). It con­tours to the shape of the foot. The mate­r­i­al is wind­proof, water­proof, and breath­able, mak­ing for an extreme­ly foot-friend­ly cli­mate. GORE-TEX 3D water­proofs even knit­ted and mesh exte­ri­or footwear textiles.

Hip appar­el recy­cled from plas­tic bot­tles: With its First Mile col­lec­tion of inno­v­a­tive mate­ri­als, PUMA of Her­zo­ge­nau­rach has tak­en upcy­cling to a new lev­el. PUMA and First Mile sup­port low-income com­mu­ni­ties in Tai­wan, Haiti, and Hon­duras where used plas­tic bot­tles are col­lect­ed and then recy­cled into poly­ester yarn for the tex­tile indus­try. With their sophis­ti­cat­ed prop­er­ties, footwear and appar­el made from this yarn are designed to be worn outdoors.

8sense of Rosen­heim has devel­oped a dig­i­tal fit­ness coach con­sist­ing of a wear­able, a small clip, and a smart­phone app, to pre­vent mus­cle ten­sion. The back­ground: Many peo­ple spend most of their work­days sit­ting at desks which makes them sus­cep­ti­ble to such ten­sions. Users can attach the clip to the back neck area of their cloth­ing and con­trol it through the 8sense pro­gram. When users feel the vibra­tion trig­gered by the clip, they are encour­aged to change their posi­tion and fol­low the instruc­tions on their smart­phones. The pos­ture shift becomes part of a rou­tine that com­bines sports and gam­ing in one fit­ness device.

ICAROS Home and TERA, two pieces of sports equip­ment designed for work­ing out at home, also inte­grate play­ful ele­ments into fit­ness activ­i­ties. Fea­tur­ing an Active VR sys­tem, ICAROS Home, made by ICAROS of Munich, can turn dreams of fly­ing into real­i­ty by tak­ing the user to a vir­tu­al world. The user puts on VR lens­es, grips the han­dles, and main­tains a hor­i­zon­tal posi­tion on the device while trav­el­ing through a selec­tion of sim­u­lat­ed land­scapes or race sce­nar­ios; the user’s upper-body mus­cu­la­ture is firmed almost in passing.

FLU­ID of Munich has designed TERA, an ele­gant wool rug that can be turned into a per­son­al train­er on demand when acti­vat­ed via an app. A dig­i­tal fit­ness coach leads the user through yoga, Pilates, or Thai Bo exer­cis­es. Ori­en­ta­tion is pro­vid­ed by sec­tions of the mat which blink. the sports exer­cis­es are dis­played via a touchpad

For ambi­tious ath­letes Trip­stix of Ober­haching has devel­oped an inflat­able SUP board. The boards con­sist of sev­er­al air and vac­u­um cham­bers con­nect­ed via a sys­tem of tubes. As opposed to con­ven­tion­al inflat­able boards, thanks to its patent­ed Vac­u­uAir tech­nol­o­gy Trip­stix is extreme­ly sta­ble and even can be used for surfing.

In addi­tion, the lat­est tech­ni­cal devel­op­ments with appeal­ing designs in reha­bil­i­ta­tion and fit­ness gear will be show­cased at Dis­cov­er­ers. LUXXUM, a med­ical device devel­oped by FREI AG to sup­port fit­ness, has been over­hauled by N+P design agency of Munich. FREI AG’s depend­able tech­nol­o­gy has been adjust­ed ergonom­i­cal­ly and re-engi­neered using high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als. The inte­grat­ed hydraulic weight-plate absorp­tion ensures vir­tu­al­ly sound­less train­ing. Because LUXXUMʹs han­dling and fine-tun­ing is intu­itive, the device can be used by pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes to train their large mus­cle groups as well as by those in need of phys­i­cal ther­a­py and post-surgery rehabilitation.

Dis­cov­er­ers will run until Novem­ber 21, 2019 at Ter­mi­nal 2, Lev­el 04, Check-In Area South. The last exhi­bi­tion of the five-part Smart Liv­ing series will open in late Novem­ber and close in ear­ly 2020.