24. May 2019


Three young tal­ents from Bavaria will present their projects in the VDID NEW­COM­ERS’ AWARD 2019 HON­ORED category:

  • Pauline Alt will exhib­it Wavelet, a device that shows swim­mers the opti­mal breath­ing tech­nique dur­ing the crawl. This bach­e­lor the­sis project was con­duct­ed at Munich Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences under Pro­fes­sor Flo­ri­an Petri.
  • Michael Beha will present KUO­DA, a gam­ing device that facil­i­tates the per­cep­tion of sens­es via the neck skin. Beha con­duct­ed this project in his 7th semes­ter at Coburg Uni­ver­si­ty under Pro­fes­sor Peter Raab in coop­er­a­tion with cher­ry GmbH of Auerbach/Oberpfalz.

A spe­cial HON­OR­ABLE MEN­TION VDID NEW­COM­ERS’ AWARD 2019 / VDID CODEX prize will go to Johan­na Giesel­er for Yep­pa, a spec­u­la­tive design project aimed at fuel­ing the debate on bioethics and sim­u­lat­ing a start-up for opti­mized epi­ge­net­ics. Giesel­er com­plet­ed her mas­ter the­sis at Munich Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty under Dipl. Des. (FH) Tobias Förtsch.

The VDID NEW­COM­ERS’ AWARDS hon­ors stu­dents’ out­stand­ing per­for­mance and offers indus­tri­al design­ers-to-be a plat­form and the sup­port they need for a suc­cess­ful start to their careers. The jury will select the best stu­dent projects and the­ses com­plet­ed at uni­ver­si­ties in Ger­many between 2017 and 2019. Entrants were allowed to choose their top­ics, and their works could be in any seg­ment of prod­uct and indus­tri­al design. From among 198 entries of young design­ers study­ing at 30 uni­ver­si­ties, the jury select­ed four equiv­a­lent main prizes in the VDID NEW­COM­ERS’ AWARD 2019 WIN­NER cat­e­go­ry and four acknowl­edg­ment prizes in the VDID NEW­COM­ERS’ AWARD 2019 HON­ORED category.