The three-day festival “EAT” is taking place at the stunning surroundings of Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich from May 24–26, 2019. Inivited are Designer who are working at the interface of life science and reseraching on the theme ‚food’ to contribute projects to the Open Call For Participation which is being held in this context. All submissions to be delivered by February 1.
Few activities connect humans and other living beings like eating. Our diet not only affects our bodies, our health and our identity, but also has an ever increasing impact on the earth. How does what we eat shape the planet? What will the food of the future look like and how can we feed the world without destroying fragile ecosystems?
BIOTOPIA – a new type of museum for the life sciences currently under planning in Munich, Germany – will tackle these questions with its three-day festival “EAT”, taking place at the stunning surroundings of Schloss Nymphenburg.
The festival will be a mouth-watering and thought-provoking exploration of eating in all its myriad dimensions, bringing together leading scientists, artists, designers, chefs, industry experts and practitioners, innovators and the public to explore the food of the future. It will approach the topic from the intersections between science, art and design, between human and non-human beings, between eating as biological necessity and the cultural aspects of taste and aesthetics.
With this Open Call For Participation BIOTOPIA is seeking innovative, inspiring and audience-engaging works of all genres and approaches to be included in the three-day festival in May 2019.
The submitted proposals will considered and evaluated by an international and interdisciplinary curatorial panel and will be funded depending on format, scope and idea.
For information on the open call incl. the application process and the BIOTOPIA project, please visit this website
All submissions to be delivered by February 1, 2019 to