15. March 2019

Ten­dence 2019 — talents

Design­ers from the fields of hand­i­crafts and craft­work, design and jew­ellery are invit­ed to apply for a booth in the tal­ents area. In addi­tion to free exhi­bi­tion space, in a spe­cial designed area, the tal­ents-pro­gramme offers par­tic­i­pants a high-grade plat­form for net­work­ing, obtain­ing direct feed­back and mak­ing impor­tant con­tacts to trade and industry.

The pro­mo­tion­al pro­gramme is open to all crafts­peo­ple and design­ers, who are not yet ful­ly estab­lished in the sec­tor on a com­mer­cial basis. Par­tic­i­pa­tion is free of charge. Appli­ca­tions should sub­mit their com­plet­ed appli­ca­tion form, togeth­er with pho­tographs that give a clear idea of their prod­ucts, to the e‑mail address giv­en. The diver­si­ty of par­tic­i­pants cho­sen will ensure that a broad vari­ety of designs are exhib­it­ed in the dis­play. Accep­tance or rejec­tion for the pro­mo­tion­al pro­gramme will be made by email approx. two weeks after the reg­is­tra­tion dead­line. Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the pro­mo­tion­al pro­gramme is not transferrable.

Dead­line: Dead­line: March 28, 2019
