How can we (re)learn to live, man­age and design togeth­er with nature? At the mcbw design sum­mit, we will dis­cuss our mcbw annu­al theme “How to co-cre­ate with nature” togeth­er with Ital­ian archi­tect and mcbw cre­ative explor­er Ste­fano Boeri as well as Daniela Bohlinger (BMW Group), Mau­r­izio Mon­talti (Sqim, Offic­i­na Cor­pus­coli), Lau­ra Kiesewet­ter (Insti­tute for Com­pu­ta­tion­al Design and Con­struc­tion), Tom Kort­beek (Fil­lip Stu­dios) and many others.

High­light of mcbw 2024

A spe­cial high­light of mcbw 2024 will be the mcbw design sum­mit on May 13, 2024 at Munich Urban Colab with inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned speak­ers. Keynotes and pan­els from design and archi­tec­ture stu­dios, research insti­tutes, design cen­ters, start-ups and com­pa­nies will present inno­v­a­tive design approach­es that put the focus back on nature.

How can we apply find­ings from biol­o­gy and ecol­o­gy to design? How can the cir­cu­lar econ­o­my con­tribute to bio­di­ver­si­ty? How can nature become a co-design­er of prod­ucts and process­es? How can we bet­ter under­stand and expe­ri­ence nature through dig­i­tal technologies?

Keynote by mcbw cre­ative explor­er Ste­fano Boeri

Stefano Boeri (Foto: Laila Pozzo (c) Michelangelo Foundation)
Stefano Boeri (Foto: Laila Pozzo (c) Michelangelo Foundation)
Stefano Boeri's work exemplifies the new mcbw motto for the year "How to co-create with nature". (Stefano Boeri, Superverde Metalco)
Stefano Boeri's work exemplifies the new mcbw motto for the year "How to co-create with nature". (Stefano Boeri, Superverde Metalco)

The day’s pro­gram begins with state­ments from the mcbw advi­so­ry board and a pan­el of experts from three Euro­pean design cen­ters on the most press­ing eco­log­i­cal chal­lenges in Europe. After­wards, four inno­v­a­tive keynotes will show how we can design and work with nature in dif­fer­ent indus­tries and dis­ci­plines. As a high­light, this year’s mcbw cre­ative explor­er Ste­fano Boeri will present his future vision of cities that con­nect us more close­ly with nature through rooftop and com­mu­ni­ty gar­dens, urban agri­cul­ture, parks and forests.

Over drinks and snacks, par­tic­i­pants will be able to net­work with the speak­ers, the mcbw team and oth­er guests and bring the day to a close.

The keynotes and pan­els will be held in Eng­lish. Simul­ta­ne­ous trans­la­tion Eng­lish — Ger­man, Ger­man — Eng­lish available.

Tick­ets are avail­able now.

Stu­dents and mem­bers of bay­ern design forum e.V. receive a discount.