Future-Mak­ing-Lab: Shap­ing our futures ourselves

13. March 2021
14:00 – 18:00

To what degree can we shape our futures here and now? To what extent are they being steered by gov­ern­ments, tech com­pa­nies and oth­er players?

In an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary exchange, we explore the poten­tial social, eco­nom­ic, polit­i­cal and envi­ron­men­tal impli­ca­tions of the use of drones. Assum­ing that the future is already laid out in the present, we con­ceive, build and explore alter­na­tives to the pre­vail­ing visions of the future based on the meth­ods of spec­u­la­tive design. The lab’s inten­tion is to chal­lenge and clar­i­fy the ambiva­lent rela­tion­ship between the present and the future, between pre­con­ceived visions of the future and our own imagination.

A work­shop dur­ing MCBW 2021 with UnDe­sig­nUnit based on meth­ods of spec­u­la­tive design.

The event is spon­sored by bay­ern design and the Bavar­i­an State Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Affairs, Region­al Devel­op­ment and Energy.