20. October 2022

Design­ing Emo­tion goes international

The new upgrad­ed eng­lish edi­tion is now available

hoch E - Designing Emotional Identity

How does design make the inde­struc­tible char­ac­ter of a drill tan­gi­ble? Why does a brand become a trust­ed friend? And what emo­tions should intel­li­gent gar­den­ing tools actu­al­ly radiate?

The accu­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tion and design of emo­tion­al worlds remain one of the great­est chal­lenges for com­pa­nies and pro­fes­sion­al design. Design­ing Emo­tion offers prac­ti­cal sup­port here. Based on cur­rent research from neu­ro­science and psy­chol­o­gy, the book presents tools for sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly analysing emo­tions and con­trol­ling them through pre­cise use of form, colour and mate­r­i­al. In addi­tion to case stud­ies and inter­views, this edi­tion offers insights into the design prac­tice of suc­cess­ful companies.

  • Pro­vides pro­fes­sion­al design instru­ments for influ­enc­ing emotions
  • Includes a fold­ing poster for the use of the method Emo­tion Grid©
  • With illus­tra­tive prod­uct analyses
  • Inter­views and case stud­ies show insights into the design prac­tice of suc­cess­ful companies

Design­ing Emo­tion — Method and Strate­gies for Designers

Eng­lish, 240 pages­Birkhäuser; 1. Edi­tion (22. August 2022)Illustrations: 43 colour, 55 mono­chrome, 30 tables17.9 x 2.5 x 22.6 cm   ISBN: 978–3035623857
48,00 €
Read more about the book here.

Mareike Roth is an indus­tri­al design­er who con­cep­tu­al­izes holis­tic rela­tion­ships between brands, prod­ucts, and users. In 2012, togeth­er with Oliv­er Saiz, she found­ed hochE — after the team had already per­formed exten­sive research along the inter­face between design and emo­tion. To inves­ti­gate the effects of design on people‘s behav­iour and expe­ri­ence even deep­er, Mareike is expand­ing her exper­tise by study­ing psy­chol­o­gy since 2022. Fur­ther­more, she is a lec­tur­er at var­i­ous uni­ver­si­ties through­out Germany.
To under­stand peo­ple and to bring out their abil­i­ties is a labour of love for Oliv­er Saiz, co-founder of hochE. There­fore he has been con­duct­ing research in the field of design and emo­tion togeth­er with Mareike Roth since 2010. His pro­fes­sion­al activ­i­ties encom­pass spe­cial­ist pub­li­ca­tions and teach­ing, as well as many years of expe­ri­ence in design and con­sult­ing for star­tups and cor­po­ra­tions. Fired by a desire for a future worth liv­ing for every­one, Oliv­er deploys his skills as a graph­ic design­er and strate­gic indus­tri­al design­er in con­cert with var­i­ous orga­ni­za­tions in order to move for­ward with eco­log­i­cal transformation.