Design­bus — design­ers on the move | line 1

14. March 2021
14:00 – 16:00

What moves design­ers? Where do they look for inspi­ra­tion? And where do they refu­el? The DESIGN­BUS, a project by Dr. Oliv­er Her­wig as part of the Munich Cre­ative Busi­ness Week (MCBW), takes you on two vir­tu­al tours through the minds of two excit­ing inter­vie­wees. 90 min­utes each through Munich and thoughts. A jour­ney that moves.

LINE 1 takes you to the favorite Munich loca­tions of Pro­fes­sor Tul­ga Bey­er­le and Ste­fan Diez. Tul­ga Bey­er­le is direc­tor of the Muse­um für Kun­st und Gewerbe Ham­burg. He is one of Germany’s best-known design­ers: Ste­fan Diez. Prod­uct design is the focus, real things, but also great thoughts. Because noth­ing changes as quick­ly as our rela­tion­ship to the world of things. And on top of that it goes to favorite places of the two design­ers* in Munich.

LINE 2 with Dr. Ange­li­ka Nollert and Mirko Borsche on board start from 4:00 pm.

They will all dis­cuss good design, inspir­ing places and what real­ly mat­ters in life and design.


The event is spon­sored by bay­ern design and the Bavar­i­an State Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Affairs, Region­al Devel­op­ment and Energy