14. March 2023

Look­ing back at our event “Design­ing emotion”

The speak­ers at our event “per­spec­tives by design — design­ing emo­tion” were pep­pered with ques­tions. Can emo­tions real­ly be designed? And is it even pos­si­ble to cap­ture them so method­i­cal­ly? How are emo­tions and design relat­ed? What does this mean for the use of form, col­or and mate­r­i­al? And what are emo­tions in general?

Dis­gust, sur­prise, fear, sad­ness, joy, anger — the spec­trum of emo­tions is broad, the tran­si­tions are flu­id and there are mixed forms. Psy­chol­o­gist Prof. Dr. Jen­nifer Schmidt gave an intro­duc­tion with an overview of estab­lished sci­en­tif­ic the­o­ries. And it quick­ly became clear: Even if humans like to see them­selves as ratio­nal beings, our actions are usu­al­ly uncon­scious­ly guid­ed by emo­tions and often against bet­ter knowl­edge and ratio­nal argu­ments. Above all pos­i­tive emo­tions (e.g. grat­i­tude, love, pride) and/or pos­i­tive affect were neglect­ed how­ev­er in their effect for a long time, so Schmidt. How­ev­er, pos­i­tive emo­tions can be aroused in a tar­get­ed man­ner by means of prod­uct design tai­lored to the tar­get group.

Oliver Saiz und Mareike Roth von bayern design Mitglied hochE Design (Foto. Thoimas Michalczyk).
Oliver Saiz und Mareike Roth von bayern design Mitglied hochE Design (Foto. Thoimas Michalczyk).
(Foto: Thomas Michlczyk)
(Foto: Thomas Michlczyk)

So how can emo­tions be designed — and how not? This is what the design­ers Mareike Roth and Oliv­er Saiz have been inves­ti­gat­ing for many years. On this evening, they shared some of their expe­ri­ences and insights and pre­sent­ed strate­gies and meth­ods for sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly ana­lyz­ing emo­tions and con­trol­ling them through the pre­cise use of form, col­or and mate­r­i­al. While think­ing about emo­tion­al design is sig­nif­i­cant­ly eas­i­er than design­ing itself, at the same time, all design is emo­tion­al design: “Non-emo­tion­al design sim­ply does­n’t exist.” But in the best case, emo­tion­al design remains invis­i­ble. Mareike Roth and Oliv­er Saiz used a spe­cial­ly devel­oped set of meth­ods to demon­strate how sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly they work with customers.

Thomas Krass­er, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent Busi­ness Devel­op­ment, and Corin­na Zei­dler, Direc­tor Brand Man­age­ment, from Schwan Cos­met­ics in Herolds­berg, Ger­many, report­ed on the result­ing design and busi­ness chal­lenges for prod­uct design, brand com­mu­ni­ca­tion and cor­po­rate iden­ti­ty, and how they can be overcome.

While net­work­ing after the talks, a crowd quick­ly formed around pho­tog­ra­ph­er Thomas Michalczyk’s hands-on activ­i­ty, where vis­i­tors could try out for them­selves how sen­so­ry per­cep­tions can trig­ger cer­tain emo­tions. — and how this is reflect­ed in our facial expressions.

Many thanks to all our guests and espe­cial­ly to our speak­ers Prof. Dr. Jen­nifer Schmidt, Mareike Roth and Oliv­er Saiz from bay­ern design mem­ber hoch E Design  and Thomas Krass­er and Corin­na Zei­dler from Schwan Cos­met­ics. Thanks also go to bay­ern design mem­ber Design Offices Nürn­berg for the great loca­tion and Thomas Michal­czyk for the pho­to­graph­ic sup­port as well as to our pre­sen­ter Lilien Wege.