CAN­CELLED — MCBW 2020 meets IHM


West Entrance, Messegelände, 81829 München
11. March 2020 – 15. March 2020
10:00 – 18:00

What do design-ori­ent­ed solu­tions for mas­ter­ing the chal­lenges of the future look like? How can we make our lives more sus­tain­able with­out sac­ri­fic­ing diver­si­ty, qual­i­ty and the delight of beau­ti­ful things?

Once again in 2020, Inter­na­tionale Handw­erksmesse (IHM) – incl. «Handw­erk & Design» and Garten München – and Munich Cre­ative Busi­ness Week (MCBW) join forces to pro­vide answers to these ques­tions. On three isles, the exhi­bi­tion “Design con­nects!“ presents inno­v­a­tive labels from var­i­ous indus­tries who show­case trail­blaz­ing prod­ucts in align­ment with the dif­fer­ent fair sec­tions. Their com­mon denom­i­na­tor: Sus­tain by Design!

11 – 15/03/2020, West Entrance, Messe München Fairground.

Inter­na­tionale Handw­erksmesse is the most impor­tant fair for craft-trade busi­ness­es. One focus top­ic at the spe­cial exhi­bi­tion in the entrance area is Sur­face Tech­nol­o­gy. In this field, the design fac­to­ry Sixth Sense Design devel­ops and pro­duces unique sus­tain­able sur­faces that daz­zle the behold­er with their unpar­al­leled aes­thet­ics, appeal to all the sens­es – and, very deserved­ly, received the Ger­man Design Award 2020.

The «Handw­erk & Design» exhi­bi­tion has been pre­sent­ing stel­lar crafts­man­ship and artis­tic design for 12 years. The exhi­bi­tion “Design con­nects!” show­cas­es remark­able sam­ples from the area of fash­ion and tex­tiles. For instance, BeWood­en offers hand­craft­ed acces­sories made of noble woods, high-qual­i­ty fab­rics and veg­etable-tanned leather. Qual­i­ty, unique­ness and an eco-con­scious man­u­fac­tur­ing process are the top pri­or­i­ties in the pro­duc­tion of these small works of art, e.g. jew­el­ry, bags and wood­en bow ties. Thus, not a sin­gle tree is felled to pro­duce these wood­en prod­ucts, since the mate­ri­als used are pro­vid­ed exclu­sive­ly by local car­pen­ters and the rem­nants from their fur­ni­ture production.

Garten München is the largest Ger­man indoor gar­den­ing trade fair. It exhibits the lat­est trends for gar­den, ter­race and bal­cony. How­ev­er, in dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed cities, few­er and few­er peo­ple man­age to have a gar­den of their own. After all, how can you grow your own veg­eta­bles in the mid­dle of the city? Thought­ful design can offer solu­tions. For exam­ple, Schreinerei Beck­er, one of the exhibit­ing car­pen­ters, has devel­oped an indoor green­house that allows you to grow not only orna­men­tal plants but also all sorts of veg­eta­bles and herbs in your apart­ment. Thanks to the aes­thet­ic sim­plic­i­ty of its design and the pos­si­bil­i­ty to choose the wood type indi­vid­u­al­ly, it can be inte­grat­ed in any space.

All exhibitors have found design-ori­ent­ed solu­tions for tack­ling the chal­lenges of the future with the help of sus­tain­able designs, mate­ri­als and con­cepts. You are invit­ed to mar­vel, to test, to dis­cuss and to shop!