CAN­CELED — Sto­ry­telling in Your Brand Stories

at MCBW 2020

Dis­cov­er tools for suc­cess­ful com­mu­ni­ca­tion through unique sto­ry­telling. Cal will share tech­niques that will cap­ti­vate your audi­ence and tools to ask bet­ter ques­tions to build stronger relationships.

Suc­cess­ful Design or Busi­ness needs to say some­thing, com­mu­ni­cate or explain added value.

Dur­ing this COKREA-high­light talk on the Future of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Cal Fuss­man shares insights on how Sto­ry­telling, Curios­i­ty and the Pow­er of engag­ing Ques­tions cre­ates great Design, grows Busi­ness and last­ing Connections.

Cal’s insights are derived from decades of learn­ing from the world’s most extra­or­di­nary indi­vid­u­als who shaped the last half cen­tu­ry: Mikhail Gor­bachev, Jeff Bezos, Richard Bran­son, Ser­e­na Williams, Jim­my Carter, Jack Welch, Mary Berra, Al Paci­no, Muham­mad Ali and hun­dreds of others.

Cal is a New York Times Best Sell­er, Jour­nal­ist, Autor and Host of the *BIG QUES­TIONS* Pod­cast and joins Lar­ry King for break­fast every morn­ing in Los Angeles.

The event Sto­ry­telling in Your Brand Sto­ries is fund­ed by bay­ern design and the Bavar­i­an Min­istry of Eco­nom­ic Affairs, Region­al Devel­op­ment and Energy.