30. April 2021

Cal­cu­la­tion tool VTV Design 2021

Design­ers from all sec­tors can’t avoid the design remu­ner­a­tion agree­ment (VTV Design) if they want to deter­mine fair and appro­pri­ate prices in line with the mar­ket. Since 1977, the cal­cu­la­tion tool of the Alliance of Ger­man Design­ers (AGD) has pro­vid­ed ori­en­ta­tion for an entire indus­try. In VTV Design 2021, not only have prices and projects now been adapt­ed to the changed design real­i­ty, but it also appears for the first time as a user-friend­ly app.

Vic­to­ria Ringleb, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of AGD, notes: “It is very impor­tant to us that with the new VTV Design we are not dig­i­tiz­ing a book, but pro­vid­ing a WebApp that meets the require­ments of mod­ern dig­i­tal appli­ca­tions in terms of con­tent, struc­ture and design. The core ele­ment here is the idea of con­tin­u­ous fur­ther devel­op­ment of the app not in the AGD inno­va­tion lab, but in the entire design community.”

The VTV Design uses the results of sur­veys among inde­pen­dent design­ers. It maps all com­mon design ser­vices from ten design dis­ci­plines, and the effort required for each can be cal­cu­lat­ed. This makes the VTV Design a great ori­en­ta­tion aid, espe­cial­ly for start-ups or new projects. The VTV Design is also an argu­men­ta­tion aid in nego­ti­a­tions with clients.