BrauBeviale 2020: time to rethink — Design Edition
00:00 – 23:00
During BrauBeviale 2020 bayern design presents a special design show called “time to rethink — Design Edition”. Due to current events the show will be presented online only. Video interviews with designers and experts published on bayern design’s website show what role small series can play in exploring new areas – for large, medium, and small-sized companies.
The small series offers the opportunity to test new orientations, to access new markets and materials, and to use transition periods in a future-oriented manner. Design functions as a decisive factor in branding and differentiation from the competition. In addition to strengthening the brand core, new business areas can be targeted. Future-relevant topics such as sustainability can thus be newly developed and integrated into the brand image.
Every experiment aims to stabilize. Product and industrial design act as a carrier of innovation — both in terms of design and process-oriented. Innovative graphic design contributes to a change in perception and, together with interaction and user e perience design, to new experiences for customers. In doing so, designers develop new strategic trends and create opportunities to integrate those into their own company.
“time to rethink — Design Edition” offers the chance to be inspired for the future and to try new paths. Visit bayern design’s website and browse online through our digital exhibition.