SDD Workshop II
Social design methods for designers
Working Lab DKDL, Luitpoldstraße 12, 90402 Nürnberg
10:00 – 17:00
The workshop, which Jenny Gallen and Sarah Dost from the social design lab of the Hans Sauer Foundation are conducting, revolves around the question of how fields of work — and especially those of designers — can change so that they contribute (more) to the social-ecological transformation.
After an insight into the methods of social design and the work/projects of the social design lab, stakeholders and challenges will be identified and examined, transformation goals will be set and ways will be sought to bring groups of actors together in a process.
Workshop agenda
9.30 Arrival
10.00 a.m. Joint check-in
10.15 a.m. Presentation of social design lab, Hans Sauer Foundation + questions
10.45 am Workshop start, warm-up
11.00 a.m. Development of challenge, group identification
11.45 a.m. Coffee break
12.00 Multi-Stakeholder System Mapping
13.00 — 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 Input and exchange on social design methods
15.00 hrs Development of a social design process outline
16.00 Coffee break
16.15 Presentation of results and exchange
16.45 Check-out and reflection
17.00 Official end + time for exchange
Workshop hosts

As a communication designer (Bachelor Hochschule Augsburg 2012), Jenny Gallen worked for various brands and design agencies until she shifted her main focus to social design during her Master’s studies (Hochschule München 2018). Since 2017, she has been building up the social design lab with the team of the Hans Sauer Foundation and in this context has gained practical experience in social design in various projects as well as helping to develop new focus topics (including Mehrwerthof Markt2 Schwaben and Circular Society). Since 2022, she has also been teaching at universities and is concerned with the question of how designers* can contribute their competencies to the design of social-ecological transformation processes. The development of social design workshops serves as a reflection of her own project work and makes the Lab’s way of working comprehensible for her and thus applicable for others.

As a social scientist, Sarah Dost has been working in the Circular Society thematic focus area at the Hans Sauer Foundation since 2019. She studied Management of Social Innovations (University of Applied Sciences Munich 2019) and deals with participatory processes and social design methods in her work in the context of operational practice projects. Since 2021, she has been leading the Circular Westend project, which focuses on how to initiate a food turnaround in a Munich neighborhood. With her experience as a trained health and nursing professional, she has already gained insights into different activities herself and is interested in redesigning and networking different fields of work. When conducting social design workshop formats, she finds the different topics and perspectives of the participants particularly exciting.
Tickets 39 €.
Discounts for members of bayern design forum e.V. and for students: € 19
The workshop is part of the Social Design Days Nuremberg (October 11 — 13, 2023) by bayern design. The Social Design Days Nuremberg are sponsored and supported by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Nuremberg for Middle Franconia and the Economic Development of the City of Nuremberg.