Science Moonshot
09:00 – 18:00
During Munich Creative Business Week (MCBW) in May 2022, the SCIENCE MOONSHOT turns research into business and impact in just 72 hours.
Germany’s best science teams are invited to submit their results. The one with the greatest relevance for the challenges of the future and at the same time high economic potential will win the race.
Up to one hundred professionals from all start-up and performance-relevant fields will transform the winning project into a fully equipped company in three days. Particular emphasis will be placed on the importance of product, industrial and communication design. Participation is free of charge.
The MOONSHOT is a fast and efficient development format based on applied collective intelligence and creativity. Anyone who wants to learn and understand how potential can be harnessed in an open, sociocratic environment is invited to attend the Silent Tours.
Silent Tours: May 15 and 16
Pre- and Aftershows: May 14 and 17
Location TBA
The Call for Solutions and further information are available at