Pro­ce­dur­al Plea­sures – Work­shop on Gen­er­a­tive Design


bay­ern design GmbH, Luit­pold­str. 3, 90402 Nürnberg
18. July 2019 – 19. July 2019
09:00 – 18:00

bay­ern design, the cen­ter for design com­pe­tence in Bavaria, invites you to attend a two-day begin­ners’ work­shop on gen­er­a­tive design dur­ing Nürn­berg Dig­i­tal Fes­ti­val. Learn how to con­vert graph­ic ele­ments into auto­mat­ed visu­als that change to the tunes of music.

Your work will be imple­ment­ed in Pro­cess­ing / P5js and will be exhib­it­ed at the After Par­ty of Design-Werkschau on July 19.

All you need to bring to the work­shop is a WLan-enabled lap­top. Pro­gram­ming skills are not required, but will be helpful.

The work­shop will be direct­ed by Max Häßlein, lec­tur­er for inter­ac­tion design at Nurem­berg Tech­ni­cal University.

Thurs­day, July 18, 2109
Intro­duc­tion to graph­ic con­cepts and coding
Goal: to get a feel for codes and cre­ate your first visualizations

Fri­day, July 19, 2019
Pro­duc­tion of sim­ple videos using codes and algorithms
Goal: to cre­ate auto­mat­ed visu­als that change live to the tunes of the music

Stu­dents: € 10 / Pro­fes­sion­als: € 50

The work­shop is spon­sored by Wirtschafts­förderung der Stadt Nürnberg.