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In the com­mu­ni­ty of bay­ern design, pro­fes­sion­al design­ers and agen­cies as well as com­pa­nies and orga­ni­za­tions with an affin­i­ty for design present them­selves and con­nect with each other.

Reg­is­tered users can intro­duce them­selves with a pro­file and con­tribute to the site with arti­cles in var­i­ous categories.

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Eva Maria Zimmer Designstudio

Basis Account
Bodenseestrasse 48
82194 Gröben­zell

Fon +49 8142 4223555

Additional locations:

Atelier, Sanremo (IM), Italien

Design­büro für Interieur und Produktdesign

Ein­rich­tungskonzepte für Pri­va­träume, Indi­vidu­elle Ladengeschäfte, Prax­en, Kan­zleien, Vere­ine, Gas­tronomie … Pro­duk­t­de­sign für Kosmetik.