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In der Com­mu­ni­ty von bay­ern design prä­sen­tie­ren und ver­knüp­fen sich pro­fes­sio­nel­le Designer:innen und Agen­tu­ren sowie desi­gn­af­fi­ne Unter­neh­men und Organisationen.

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Ralph Beloch

Basis Account
Ran­ke­stra­ße 9
90461 Nürn­berg

Fon 0911467549

“Rea­li­ty lea­ves a lot to the ima­gi­na­ti­on.” John Lennon

I am an inde­pen­dent design pro­fes­sio­nal based in Nurem­berg, Ger­ma­ny and I work main­ly in design disci­pli­nes such as web and gra­phic design, illus­tra­ti­on, pho­to­gra­phy and art direc­tion. Expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on is a big part of my pro­cess and explo­ring new tech­ni­ques and styl­es is kee­ping me sane.

Design sim­pli­fies, empha­si­zes, influen­ces, and even impacts. It is both a verb and noun. Design is ever­y­whe­re. It is an inte­gral part of ever­y­day life. Design is all around us and it sti­mu­la­tes and moti­va­tes much of our decis­i­ons sub­con­scious­ly every day. 

My job is to trans­la­te ide­as into a pic­tu­re that allows peo­p­le to see and under­stand the message.