the future is a hoax

Food expe­ri­ence with Mar­i­je Vogelzang and Etz

On Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 28, bay­ern design invites you to a spe­cial event at the Kun­sthalle Nürn­berg: Togeth­er with Dutch food design­er Mar­i­je Vogelzang and Nuremberg’s star restau­rant Etz, we have cre­at­ed a unique food event.

What is it about? On an inter­ac­tive course, Mar­i­je chal­lenges you to engage inten­sive­ly with the top­ic of time and sen­so­ry per­cep­tions — audi­to­ry, visu­al and, of course, gus­ta­to­ry. The focus is less on the design of the food and more on how it is pro­duced and con­sumed. At The future is a hoax, you will be part of an immer­sive expe­ri­ence that opens up new approach­es to the top­ic of food. We want to inspire you to sharp­en your sens­es, ques­tion famil­iar pat­terns and look at food from a new per­spec­tive. You will also become part of a unique expe­ri­ence design that has been spe­cial­ly devel­oped for this event.

Our event takes place in coop­er­a­tion with the ETZ and the Kun­sthalle Nürn­berg on the occa­sion of the cur­rent exhi­bi­tion Delikatessen. Zwis­chen Kun­st und Küche

Tick­ets and programme

+++sold out+++

The event will start at 18.20. The 30-minute slots will be in Eng­lish and Ger­man. Admis­sion is €29.00 per per­son. The expe­ri­ence includes an audio walk and a tast­ing of dif­fer­ent flavours and ingre­di­ents from the Etz library. After the expe­ri­ence, we invite you to socialise and net­work over drinks, and the “Delikatessen” exhi­bi­tion will also be open.

>Get your tick­ets* here
*Only one tick­et can be pur­chased per booking.

> Wait­ing list: There may still be a place on the wait­ing list. Send your email address and phone num­ber to We’ll get back to you as soon as we have places available.

Please note: Punc­tu­al­i­ty is essen­tial for a relaxed expe­ri­ence. We rec­om­mend arriv­ing at the Kun­sthalle (side entrance/Königstormauer) 10 min­utes before the slot starts.

We worked with Felix and Mar­i­je to put on an extra­or­di­nary event!


etz is a restau­rant and an atti­tude. etz is sup­port­ed by a cul­ture of appre­ci­a­tion. For things, for one’s roots, for the moment. etz dis­cov­ers the hid­den depths of the every­day and changes per­cep­tion. etz is culi­nary mind­ful­ness. Every sin­gle moment.

Kun­sthalle Nürn­berg 

Delikatessen. Zwis­chen Kun­st und Küche is the title of a cur­rent spe­cial exhi­bi­tion that can be seen at the Kun­sthalle until March 2. Food is not only under­stood as the mere sat­is­fac­tion of a basic need, but also as a cul­tur­al phe­nom­e­non and polit­i­cal statement. 

Mar­jie and Felix intro­duce themselves

Portrait der Designerin Marije Vogelzang
Mar­i­je Vogelzang

Mar­i­je Vogelzang is an inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned design­er and speak­er who has ded­i­cat­ed her­self entire­ly to food design. Her work has been exhib­it­ed at the Tokyo Met­ro­pol­i­tan Art Muse­um and the Coop­er Hewitt Smith­son­ian in New York, among oth­ers. She reg­u­lar­ly lec­tures inter­na­tion­al­ly, explor­ing the inter­sec­tion of food, cre­ativ­i­ty and the human expe­ri­ence. Mar­i­je is also an author, most recent­ly pub­lish­ing “Lick It: Chal­lenge the Way We Expe­ri­ence Food”. She is cur­rent­ly a project pro­fes­sor at the Kun­sthochschule Kassel.

Potrait des Kochs Felix Schneider in der Küche seines Restaurants.
Felix Schnei­der

Felix Schnei­der is an award-win­ning chef and own­er of the Nurem­berg restau­rant Etz, which has held two Miche­lin stars since March 2022. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he was head chef at Restau­rant Sosein in Herolds­berg, which was also dec­o­rat­ed with stars. In 2020, he was named Chef of the Year by gourmet mag­a­zine “Der Fein­schmeck­er”. Schnei­der focus­es on region­al and sea­son­al ingre­di­ents, which he often grows him­self, because appre­ci­a­tion for the region, its peo­ple and its prod­ucts are at the heart of his work.