12. November 2024

rebel­lion of necessity

Design­ers: why they are rebels

Design­ers are rebels!

They are not sat­is­fied with the old solu­tions and have a strong dri­ve to make the things around us bet­ter. They exper­i­ment, dis­re­gard con­ven­tions, and tran­scend bound­aries They work with new mate­ri­als, forms, col­ors, and con­cepts, merg­ing art, tech­nol­o­gy, sci­ence, and many more dis­ci­plines besides. Play­ful, dynam­ic, or spec­u­la­tive, they are always visionary.

With­out rebel­lion there would be no Apple iMac, no Bauhaus, no Vivi­enne West­wood. What a drab world it would be! 

Design­ers in com­pa­nies intro­duce new per­spec­tives, work across depart­ments, and are open to new meth­ods and pro­ce­dures. The end result may not always be clear at the begin­ning. As the Aus­tri­an jour­nal­ist Wolf Lot­ter notes, cre­ativ­i­ty needs space and the cre­ative path is full of risks

Designer:innen hin­ter­fra­gen den Sta­tus quo und wis­sen: Ohne Risiko, kein Fortschritt. Und wo der Fortschritt fehlt ist der Still­stand nicht weit. Erst das Auflehnen gegen die alte Ord­nung führt zu echter Inno­va­tion. Große Ideen kön­nen zunächst auf Wider­stand tre­f­fen, weil sie anders, weil sie neu sind und manch­mal auf den ersten Blick unmöglich scheinen. Ohne Mut und Visio­nen geht es nicht. Gute Designer:innen müssen rebel­lisch sein. Gutes Design muss rebel­lisch sein. 

At bay­ern design, we are famil­iar with the pow­er of this “rebel­lion”, and its vital role for new chal­lenges. We inform and inspire com­pa­nies, cre­ative minds, politi­cians, and the inter­est­ed pub­lic, hold­ing attrac­tive events, pro­vid­ing pro­fes­sion­al con­sult­ing, and helm­ing the munich cre­ative busi­ness week (mcbw). We know that design can be a game-chang­er and make the world we live in a lit­tle better.

Small rebel­lions, but huge progress towards tomorrow’s world worth liv­ing in. And best of all when every­one pulls togeth­er, work­ing towards the same goal. Design connects.

We are excit­ed to be a part of Slant­ed Pub­lish­ers’ Rebel Prints! With our edi­to­r­i­al, we want to encour­age all those who think out­side the box and are work­ing today on a future worth liv­ing tomorrow.