24. September 2024

Fach­pack 2024

Design­ing good packaging

Out­side the box: Design­ing good packaging

Spe­cial Design Show by bay­ern design at FACH­PACK 2024

  • bay­ern design to host a Spe­cial Design Show dur­ing the inter­na­tion­al FACH­PACK trade fair in Nurem­berg from Sep­tem­ber 24 to 26, 2024
  • Title and theme: Out­side the box: Design­ing good packaging
  • Sus­tain­abil­i­ty meets aes­thet­ic appeal – excel­lent pack­ag­ing design and its development

Nurem­berg, Ger­many. FACH­PACK, the Euro­pean trade fair for pack­ag­ing, tech­nol­o­gy, and process­es, will take place from Sep­tem­ber 24 to 26, 2024. On this occa­sion, bay­ern design will host a Spe­cial Design Show about the devel­op­ment of pio­neer­ing pack­ag­ing design. The exhi­bi­tion was devised in coop­er­a­tion with Nürn­bergMesse. From a con­cept to store shelves – bay­ern design will show­case the path of design­ing good pack­ag­ing. The require­ments are com­plex: Good pack­ag­ing must be suit­able for cir­cu­lar­i­ty, present the prod­uct in an attrac­tive man­ner, and stim­u­late iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of tar­get groups with the brand. Pro­duc­ers do not have to walk this path alone: Design­ers are famil­iar with tack­ling the chal­lenges of dig­i­ti­za­tion, e‑commerce, and recy­cling. The Spe­cial Design Show will exhib­it out­stand­ing inno­v­a­tive pack­ag­ing designs and explain how they were devel­oped, with spe­cial focus on the design process. Out­side the box will be all about pack­ag­ing made by region­al and inter­na­tion­al design­ers and com­pa­nies includ­ing Munich-based design­ers Chris­t­ian Zan­zot­ti and Dominique Béo­let, and indus­tri­al design­er Oliv­er Williams of Erlan­gen (Hall 4, stand 344).

Design­ing good packaging

Most types of pack­ag­ing that meet these demands inno­v­a­tive­ly have under­gone a com­pre­hen­sive design process. Ide­al­ly, this process involves alter­nat­ing open stages of in-depth research and brain­storm­ing and defin­ing stages in which find­ings are sort­ed and drafts are fleshed out. Thus, good pack­ag­ing is the result of ana­lyt­ic and struc­tured work­flows con­duct­ed in an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary man­ner by design­ers and their clients. The Spe­cial Design Show will illus­trate this mul­ti-tiered approach for prod­ucts such as elec­tric appli­ances, home tex­tiles, cos­met­ics, food, and clean­ing prod­ucts. The exhibits are proof of the advan­tages of tak­ing pro­fes­sion­al design­ers on board from the onset.

Select high­lights

Papi­er mâché as an alter­na­tive to plas­tic foil: For the fit­ted sheets of the schlafgut brand, design­er Chris­t­ian Zan­zot­ti part­nered with Stu­dio Abc&D to devel­op inno­v­a­tive pack­ag­ing made of 100% recy­cled paper that is as sus­tain­able as it is entic­ing. In 2023, their pack­ag­ing received the Euro­pean Design Award. With the goal of adapt­ing this mul­ti-use sys­tem to the cos­met­ics indus­try, prod­uct design­er Dominique Béo­let devel­oped the reusable nkm cos­met­ics bot­tles for Naturkos­metik München GmbH. In addi­tion to unique tac­tile prop­er­ties, the bot­tles fea­ture a nov­el design that makes it easy to clean and reuse each ele­ment. The alliance between Ate­lier Béo­let of Munich and the cos­met­ics com­pa­ny proves that sound solu­tions and suit­able part­ners can be found close by, with­in region­al networks.

Indus­tri­al design­er Oliv­er Williams of Erlan­gen set out to elim­i­nate dis­pos­able plas­tic prod­ucts from super­mar­kets and has authored the INTO refill con­tain­ers, which facil­i­tate shop­ping at pack­ag­ing-free shops. Williams uses tex­tile bags that have a small­er eco­log­i­cal foot­print, are lighter, and offer greater ease of trans­porta­tion than con­ven­tion­al refill packs made of glass or plastic.

Nunc is plan­ning to put its high-end portafil­ter cof­fee machines soon on store shelves in sus­tain­able box­es cre­at­ed by design agen­cies Melichar Bros. and brand.pack of Ham­burg. Their pack­ag­ing pro­tects the exquis­ite machines and turns unbox­ing into a mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence. Vis­i­tors of bay­ern design’s Spe­cial Design Show will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see the machines and the pack­ag­ing before the offi­cial launch.

På(fyll) orig­i­nates in Scan­di­navia. The mul­ti-use sys­tem for house­hold prod­ucts such as deter­gent or soap makes dis­pos­able plas­tic obso­lete. The small con­tain­ers devel­oped by Form Us With Love agency of Swe­den can be refilled again and again. The house­hold prod­ucts can be ordered online, the con­tain­ers are picked up from the cus­tomers’ homes and then refilled. Test­ing ser­vice provider TÜV Rhein­land is on board, pro­vid­ing sup­port for the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of packaging.


  • tornerò. The reusable piz­za box
  • Fold up Pick up
  • Nunc
  • schlafgut – qual­i­ty sleep­ing essentials
  • nkm reusable bottles
  • The new shop­ping expe­ri­ence for refill packs
  • På(fyll)
  • Vegeta&Spirulina

The Spe­cial Design Show Out­side the box will be locat­ed in Hall 4, stand 4–344.