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In der Com­mu­ni­ty von bay­ern design prä­sen­tie­ren und ver­knüp­fen sich pro­fes­sio­nel­le Designer:innen und Agen­tu­ren sowie desi­gn­af­fi­ne Unter­neh­men und Organisationen.

Regis­trier­te Nutzer:innen kön­nen sich mit einem Pro­fil vor­stel­len und mit Arti­keln in ver­schie­de­nen Kate­go­rien zur Sei­te beitragen.

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Strong Type Systems GmbH

Basis Account
Wirthstr. 36
90459 Nürnberg

Fon +49 (0)160 949 106 15

Too­ling Typography

 Strong Type Sys­tems is acti­ve at the inter­sec­tion of typo­gra­phy, soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment, and design, com­bi­ning exper­ti­se from dif­fe­rent domains, true crea­ti­ve thin­king, and proficiency.

Foun­ded by Las­se Fis­ter in 2022 and loca­ted in Nurem­berg, Ger­ma­ny, the com­pa­ny works with inter­na­tio­nal cli­ents and a glo­bal net­work of experts.

Pur­po­se Statement

Our com­pa­ny is com­mit­ted to con­tri­bu­ting to a world and human cul­tu­re that is just, sus­tainable, liva­ble, and equi­ta­ble for ever­yo­ne. We belie­ve that we can achie­ve this by fos­te­ring a cul­tu­re of matu­ri­ty, reaso­ning, liter­acy, know­ledge, and ratio­na­li­ty within ever­yo­ne wit­hout dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on. Typo­gra­phy trans­ports know­ledge and is essen­ti­al for human cul­tu­re. We crea­te Free Libré Open Source Soft­ware (FLOSS) type tools for pro­duc­tion, pro­ofing, type-set­ting, and animation.

We are buil­ding for com­mu­ni­ties and eco­sys­tems that sup­port our work and goals. Strong Type Sys­tems con­ducts all work and busi­ness with inte­gri­ty, hones­ty, and trans­pa­ren­cy. To keep sup­port­ing our pur­po­se and posi­tively impac­ting the com­mu­ni­ties we ser­ve, we also stri­ve to be sus­tainable for the future.